Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Uplink agent list 4 i got it

      7 10 320

      haha i got uplink agent list 4
      the first people i will help get it are those who help me with my cheat program
      talk to me
      or teamcyb on aol i m
      plz chat


    • You are a Liar. It's impossible to get the 4th agent list. It's not in the game, there is no way to get it. Don't try to misslead people with this kind of crap.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by PunisherBass:
      **You are a Liar. It's impossible to get the 4th agent list. It's not in the game, there is no way to get it. Don't try to misslead people with this kind of crap.


      This is probaly a noob question (have not played Uplink alot yet) , but what is the 4th agent list , or the 3th for example?


      -Nothing lasts forever-
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    • Quote

      Originally posted by Entarus:
      This is probaly a noob question (have not played Uplink alot yet) , but what is the 4th agent list , or the 3th for example?

      The agent lists contain the real names of uplink agents. You have to hack a special server to get to it, but if you do (and don't get caught) you can sell the list (a special mission). The fourth agent list contains the player's real name, that's why it does not exist.


      Compilers - the ultimate god games.
      (edit) I wish there was a preview feature on this board. (/edit)

    • fine dont believe me but i did get it and your user name isnt stored in it
      check out my site


    • Quote

      Originally posted by teamcyb:
      **fine dont believe me but i did get it and your user name isnt stored in it
      check out my site


      I looked. And I see that you list agent hackername-real names, but there's a problem. Those names are generated automatically, and differently, for every user file. Posting the list from your game won't do anyone else any good.


    • Yes, but he can post how he got it so we can get it, and why would they offer 50,000 credit if you can only get 90% of the list. (Also, what cheat program?)

      Now where was that
      torpedo? AHHHHH!!!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by High Caliber:
      **Yes, but he can post how he got it so we can get it, and why would they offer 50,000 credit if you can only get 90% of the list. (Also, what cheat program?)


      I know how to get it (except for agent 4) anyway.

      You can't get the information (real name plus hacker name) about agent four because that is you, and the program only knows one name for you. In order for it to know both your real name and your hacker name, it would have had to ask you for them at the beginning of the game.

      This is why you show up in the academic database (etc) under your user name. (Most people use "hacker" type names for their user name, which looks funny in the academic database, social security database, and criminal database, but works better everywhere else).

      In other words, I am confident that he is mistaken.


    • Yes, but as he said, your real name is not on the list he found. And there are more then one name in each agent list. There are about 4 or 5 names that are still unknowen. I think agent list 4 is real but it does not have you name on it. You real name always remains unknowen. (Or maby they just put your hacker name as your real name also.)

      Now where was that
      torpedo? AHHHHH!!!

    • decent proof would be a screenshot of the list program fully filled out, or multiple shots if ya need to, whateva.. but still that could be photoshopped..

      "He has a company that makes computers. Or a computer that makes companies. Anyway, you wouldn't understand."-Homer