Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Elliptic-Curve Encryption Cypher Access Denied

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      What is the highest security system in Uplink?

      Good luck captain...

    • Voice analysis. This is the most difficult to overcome as it requires several steps. The elliptic-curve cypher merely requires a decypher program and lots of cpu power. It's actually pretty easy (especially with decypher v.3).

      For details on how to beat the voice analysis, please use the SEARCH feature.

      "Always listen to the experts. They will tell you what can't be done, and why. Then do it."
      - The Notebooks of Lazarus Long
      There are things more annoying than using MS Windows... but I can never remember what they are.

    • Your topic name is kinda misleading. I've never gotten an acsess denied before, and i believe it is impossible. Does anybody know what an "Eliptic-Curve Encryption Cypher" really is?

      The Břrg will conquer us all one day. Either that, or I become the next Adolph Hitler.
      "We all begin the same, we all end the same. It's just the in-between part that is different. "Bill Gates is dumb."

      (This message has been edited by Computer_Man (edited 07-03-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Computer_Man:
      **Your topic name is kinda misleading. I've never gotten an acsess denied before, and i believe it is impossible. Does anybody know what an "Eliptic-Curve Encryption Cypher" really is?


      I think it is based on a millitary idea called the MRDC Massive Random Data Cypher which has 2,500 grid blocks that randomly generate numbers letter symbols etc. in each block.

      Good luck captain...

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Computer_Man:
      **Your topic name is kinda misleading. I've never gotten an acsess denied before, and i believe it is impossible. Does anybody know what an "Eliptic-Curve Encryption Cypher" really is?


      Yes you have. Every time you go to a server with an Elliptic-Curve cypher, it starts out with an "Access Denied" in red. You have to crack it before it changes to "Access Granted" in green.

      If you want to know more about any type of security device/program, go to the Uplink Internal Services Server and select help from the menu. From there you can find out a lot about different aspects of the game.

      "Always listen to the experts. They will tell you what can't be done, and why. Then do it."
      - The Notebooks of Lazarus Long
      There are things more annoying than using MS Windows... but I can never remember what they are.

    • No, I havent. When you are actually doing the cypher, it has never rejected the code that the decypher program puts in.

      I know perfectly well what decypher does and i do not need help with the game unless it is technical. My question was refering to what is an E-CEC is in real life and how it works.

      Computer_Man 😄

      The Břrg will conquer us all one day. Either that, or I become the next Adolph Hitler.
      "We all begin the same, we all end the same. It's just the in-between part that is different. "Bill Gates is dumb."

      (This message has been edited by Computer_Man (edited 07-03-2003).)

    • Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems were independently proposed by Neil Koblitz and Victor Miller in 1985. Elliptic curve cryptosystems take advantage of the mathematical complexity of elliptic curves and the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem to provide secure encryption algorithms. ECC is used with both digital signature systems and for encryption systems. The elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem is based on an extension of the discrete logarithm problem modulo p. The Discrete Logarithm Problem is defined over the set Zp for some prime p. Let a be an element in Zp, and let b be result of ax for some x. Since the DLP is defined over Zp, then b = ax (mod p). The DLP is to find x given a and b. Currently, there is no subexponential algorithm known for solving the DLP over Zp. Because of this, cryptosystems can be based on the difficulty of solving this problem. DSA is one of the most well known cryptosystems which uses the integer factorization problem. An Elliptic Curve is a set of points (x, y), with the equation y^2 = x^3 + ax + b. The numbers x, y, a and b can be real numbers or elements of the set Zp or Z 2m. The elliptic curve group on Zp is defined to be y^2 = x^3 + ax + b where x, y, a, and b are elements of Zp, and 4a^3 + 27b^2 does not = 0. (The formula 4a^3 + 27b^2 != 0 guarantees that the elliptic curve, y^2 = x^3 + ax + b, has no repeating factors and can thus be used to form a group.) Any questions, class?

      Carpe Aptenodytes! (Seize the Penguins!)
      I feel like a genocidal maniac when emacs asks me if I want to kill 10789 characters.
      Calculating in binary code is as easy as 01,10,11

      (This message has been edited by scope (edited 07-07-2003).)

    • Wow.

      On the note of this topic, In my opinion, there is no hardest system. Cracking the voice is dead easy to figure out, the password is a piece of cake with even one proccessor, and the Ellyptic Curve cyphter is relatively easy, but still requires CPU power. Cracking the voice, you only need the voice synthesizer (whatever its called) and you call up the administrator for the bank or organizations computer, then run the synthesizer, it reproduces the voice, return to your target hack, click "Access denied" next to the voice authorization, and then playback the recording. Peice o' cake.

      Whose cruel idea was it to put an 'S' in lisp?

    • Personnaly, i think that the greatest protection system is a LAN. Yup, the entire network. You need a lot of tools to reach the server, and once you're connected, the admin track you.
      It could be hard if you don't have the good tools. (All LAN tools except Lan_Force, the bypassers, the admin's voice, a password breaker, and a good cpu speed.)

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