Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Uplink runs horribly slow

      5 6 432

      I have a beige G3 running at 300 mhz, with 256 ram and gigs of hd OS 9.1. This fills the requirements. I have openGL 1.2, CarbonLib 1.6, and DrawSproket 1.7.5. Its a rev1 so its got ATI RAGE 3D II+ with 2 megs video ram.

      But it runs like complete junk. Takes many seconds to notice a click, wont even notice clicks often, its unplayable. Does it really need a computer thats much better then it says or do I need something else?

      (url="http://"")Cheat 2(/url)
      Cheat in almost any mac game. Even Nova... Even UPLINK.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Rick_Hardslab:
      do I need something else?

      Right now, to get the game to run smoothly, you have to get yourself a much better graphics card. Lots of people have and are complaining about this, and hopefully it's on top of the things-to-fix list.


      Compilers - the ultimate god games.
      (edit) I wish there was a preview feature on this board. (/edit)

    • The game also runs a lot faster when you upgrade your gateway and buy more CPU's.
      You also have to hold down the mouse for a few seconds, for each server on the map.

      (This message has been edited by suydam (edited 07-11-2003).)

    • Uplink is very OpenGL intensive and the quality of that depends on your video ram/graphical card.


      -Nothing lasts forever-
      (url="http://";=9&SUBMIT;=Go&urgaylol;=yes")EV Developer's Corner(/url)
      (url="http://";=Uplink+web+board&number;=69") Uplink Forum(/url)
      (url="http://"")iMac, Therefore, I am(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by suydam:
      The game also runs a lot faster when you upgrade your gateway and buy more CPU's.
      You also have to hold down the mouse for a few seconds, for each server on the map.

      Eh?? I don't think this has any bearing on anything... Ingame tasks, like password breaking, are faster, but it doesn't affect the speed of the game.

      Keepin' it surreal.
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      "Hehe. I fell in love with the female horse and the high-pitched male." - The Space Between

    • Well, it certainly effects the speed of my game i.e. "noticing clicks".
