Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Complaints

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      How was I susposed to know that a mission would lower my neromancer rating, when I could not see what the objective is before I accept it? Then, if I abort it, I lose status too. No fair.
      How can I avoid this?


    • Pickup easy missions (academic hacks, copy/delete data) before you abort. That way, if your rating drops you have missions that can increase this rating again.
      Hope it helps. ๐Ÿ™‚

      EV:Nova: >(url="http://";=evnova.sit")download(/url)< (78.11 mb) | >(url="http://";=evnova_update.sit")update(/url)< (23.32 mb)
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      Uplink: >(url="http://";=Uplink.sit")download(/url)< (21.69 mb) | >(url="http://";=uplink_extras.sit")extras(/url)< (14.69 mb)

    • I wonder what the objective for "Elite agent required for destruction of data" (or whatever it says), is. After a while you know what each description wants you to do. Anything changing records or catching hackers lowers it, anything destroying data or servers brings it up.

      Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
      "You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil and whitedevil2

    • Quote

      Originally posted by SlaVitiCkus:
      **I wonder what the objective for "Elite agent required for destruction of data" (or whatever it says), is.


      Actually, that only is like "Sabotaging a rioval compays ###" On a bigger scale. You have to destroy an entire server. Sometimes it's in the middle of a LAN, or just the central mainframe of a company.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Dana:
      **How was I susposed to know that a mission would lower my neromancer rating, when I could not see what the objective is before I accept it? Then, if I abort it, I lose status too. No fair.
      How can I avoid this?


      I liked the learning process of figuring out which missions lowered or raised my neuromancer rating.

      What I wonder is whether the missions, which are offered on the board, are tailored towards your current rating. For example, I try to keep a neutral rating for as long as possible but, as the game progresses, I find that the missions which lower my rating are more profitable. Eventually, when my rating is very negative, the only missions offered are all ones that would lower it anyway. I don't mean that I am refused "positive" missions but, that they just don't show up at all. I think it's great, if it's true that the mission board acclimates according to your rating and not just your rank.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by suydam:
      **I liked the learning process of figuring out which missions lowered or raised my neuromancer rating.

      What I wonder is whether the missions, which are offered on the board, are tailored towards your current rating. For example, I try to keep a neutral rating for as long as possible but, as the game progresses, I find that the missions which lower my rating are more profitable. Eventually, when my rating is very negative, the only missions offered are all ones that would lower it anyway. I don't mean that I am refused "positive" missions but, that they just don't show up at all. I think it's great, if it's true that the mission board acclimates according to your rating and not just your rank.


      I don't think so. I have tried very hard to keep a positive rating, and had the same experience with what missions show up at the high end. I have to wait for a long time to get another "destroy a computer" mission, which seems to be the highest "good hacker" job. Meanwhile, the mission board clutters up with requests to frame and ruin people, and the odd request for a bank transfer from a "wealthy individual".

      It seems far easier to get a bad rating than a good one.


    • Well yea, if it was easier and more profitable to do good things, who would do anything bad? The dark side is very tempting..

      Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
      "You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil and whitedevil2

    • If i were a CEO of a company that just had one of thier systems destroyed, i'd be willing to pay lots of money to frame the hacker that did it. Wouldn't you? ๐Ÿ˜‰

      rning:! Error with Server)
      Conection Terminated By

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Computer_Man:
      **If i were a CEO of a company that just had one of thier systems destroyed, i'd be willing to pay lots of money to frame the hacker that did it. Wouldn't you?;)


      Yes, and apparantly this happens. I got disavowed for a job I didn't do <g>.


    • I got a mission about destroying a server, but I wasn't sure how to do it and I didn't find a program that said "wipe server" so, I'll guess it's a command that you type in the console, but what is it?


    • cd usr
      cd sys
      cd logs

      The last two lines are optional, but I recommend doing them if you have time.

      Research shows that 3 out of 4 people make up 75% of the population

      (url="http://"")My website(/url). | (url="http://"")OmG! WhAt If ThErE wAs An Ev ThAt WaS MuLtIpLaYeR?(/url) | (url="http://"")The Happy Animatronic Children Website(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Sage of the Web:
      **cd usr
      cd sys
      cd logs

      The last two lines are optional, but I recommend doing them if you have time.


      Well, I'm not sure if it's required but, I type in "shutdown" after deleting everything. Then wait for it to try and reboot, if it fails you've accomplished the task. Just for my own edification, what's the point of deleting the logs if they've already started the trace?


    • since this topic is "Complaints" I feel somewhat justified in changing the conversation slightly. I did a mission where I'm supposed to trace a bank transfer, so I got into the bank, got into the guys account, and found the statement. I wasn't sure what to do from there, so I disconnected, and cleared the logs, and then I replyed to the email, they sent a message back to "verify, because we have reason to believe that person is not involved." So I got back into the bank, and went to the account where it was transfered, and looked at that statement, and it was the right one. I disconnected, and cleared all the logs. I replyed to the mission, and, again they told me to verify. I'm clueless, please assist...

      Clueless in Bellingham

      "I wish my dad would buy me businesses and let me run them into the ground."


    • Quote

      Originally posted by thespian12:
      **since this topic is "Complaints" I feel somewhat justified in changing the conversation slightly. I did a mission where I'm supposed to trace a bank transfer, so I got into the bank, got into the guys account, and found the statement. I wasn't sure what to do from there, so I disconnected, and cleared the logs, and then I replyed to the email, they sent a message back to "verify, because we have reason to believe that person is not involved." So I got back into the bank, and went to the account where it was transfered, and looked at that statement, and it was the right one. I disconnected, and cleared all the logs. I replyed to the mission, and, again they told me to verify. I'm clueless, please assist...

      Clueless in Bellingham


      You've got to give them the name of the person the money was transferred to. When you've got it, just select the body of the email, type it in and reply.

      MU* addict

    • Quote

      Originally posted by suydam:
      **Well, I'm not sure if it's required but, I type in "shutdown" after deleting everything. Then wait for it to try and reboot, if it fails you've accomplished the task. Just for my own edification, what's the point of deleting the logs if they've already started the trace?


      1-Yes, you do need to shutdown.
      2-So they do not finish it, of course.

      Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
      "You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil, whitedevil2, and Ory' hara.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by thespian12:
      **since this topic is "Complaints" I feel somewhat justified in changing the conversation slightly. I did a mission where I'm supposed to trace a bank transfer, so I got into the bank, got into the guys account, and found the statement. I wasn't sure what to do from there, so I disconnected, and cleared the logs, and then I replyed to the email, they sent a message back to "verify, because we have reason to believe that person is not involved." So I got back into the bank, and went to the account where it was transfered, and looked at that statement, and it was the right one. I disconnected, and cleared all the logs. I replyed to the mission, and, again they told me to verify. I'm clueless, please assist...

      Clueless in Bellingham


      1. Look for a large transfer in the statement logs.
      2. Write down the account number and first four digits of the IP #
      3. Delete logs at INTERNIC
      4. Match up IP # to a bank
      5. Break into the account number that you previously wrote down.
      6. Find clients name and write it down in your reply.
      7. Delete logs at INTERNIC

      Tracking transfers are annoying unless you plan to steal money. The account #'s that you recieve from these missions are really the only ones with large amounts of money, so try to remember the banks they're at.

      Also, these might be helpful. (url="http://"") (url="http://"")
