Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • The government mainframe in the gov's LAN network

      10 16 279

      Is it possible to hack into it? I connected to the LAN network, spoofed a few things, broke a lock, and found the mainframe. Unfortunately, it requires a voice verification. Is it possible to get a voice for it?

      Just looking for more stuff to do in the demo - are there any other "big jobs" you can do (I've already robbed banks).

      (url="http://"")- The Demented Cartoon Movie(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Zortrium:
      Just looking for more stuff to do in the demo - are there any other "big jobs" you can do (I've already robbed banks).


      You have? Which version of proxy_disable did you use to get past the proxy thingie?

      "I saw it in a movie, about a bus that had to SPEED around the city, keeping its SPEED above 60, and if its SPEED dropped, it would explode! I think it was called... 'The Bus That Could Not Slow Down'"

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Zortrium:
      **Is it possible to hack into it? I connected to the LAN network, spoofed a few things, broke a lock, and found the mainframe. Unfortunately, it requires a voice verification. Is it possible to get a voice for it?

      Just looking for more stuff to do in the demo - are there any other "big jobs" you can do (I've already robbed banks).


      I'm sure there is some place to find the voice. Just look for the phone number of the administrator. it might be on a terminal elsewhere on the LAN....


    • Quote

      Originally posted by SoySauce:
      You have? Which version of proxy_disable did you use to get past the proxy thingie?


      Having done a bank job for 1 million credits, I have highest versions of everything.

      (url="http://"")- The Demented Cartoon Movie(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Andcarne:
      **I'm sure there is some place to find the voice. Just look for the phone number of the administrator. it might be on a terminal elsewhere on the LAN....

      As far as I know, there is no place to get the voice for the government admin. I do know that the mainframe is completely empty though, so there's no point in hacking it anyway.

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    • Oh, good God. I seem to be way behind everyone else. The highest mission I've gotten is from ARC to change the SS code of some guy, and the demo quits right after I do that. I also can't figure out how to hack into the Criminal database to wipe my slate clean. On top of that, the longest time it's taken me to be traced is 3 minutes. How can I increase my trace time?

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    • -esw-dragoon_77 Don't fret, the farthest I've gotten with the ARC is also the SS database. My guess is that Zortrium has (liked most of us) played the demo over and over and is looking for other challenges. He thought (like me) that the government mainframe might be a more difficult task. But I also couldn't find the phone number of the admin (isn't in public access).

      Now about your trace time. Which do you mean active or passive?

      Other than bouncing your signal through tons of servers (preferably internal, banks, gov with admin access) there isn't much I know you can do to prolong the passive trace. If you connect through Internic (first bounced server) though, you should have enough time to delete your logs and successfully end the passive trace. BTW: You are deleting the log of the first server you connect to? This gives you the most time to clean up the logs. If you are deleting the logs at your target server, the passive trace will have already passed this server and will find you.

      If the problem is an active trace, the only trick other than the bouncing, is using bypassers on the monitors. This should enable you to break a password and nose around without starting a trace..

      Like Zotrium, I've been wondering if there are any kind of special servers or other goodies that would be interesting to hack in the demo??


    • I've managed to increase my trace time by adding all the links of all the places I've hacked into onto my map. Now I just need to know to find the criminal database so I can clear my record. There is only one mission left on the list, and they won't hire me because I was caught.

      (edit)Found the database, but how do you convict another Uplink agent? Do you have to know their real names? And now that I've done that last mission, how do I get another one? This is all for future reference, as my cool guy was somehow traced, even though I deleted all my logs.(/edit)

      Also, do you actually need a microphone to use the voice analyzer? I'm trying to gain access to the Uplink Bank, but I can't figure out how to get past the voice print.

      (url="http://"")D(/url)o not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
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      (This message has been edited by -esw-dragoon_77 (edited 05-19-2003).)

    • God, I've got a slow moving day... Here I am again posting to the Uplink forum. :-)!!

      -esw-dragoon_77 we don't need anybody else in the forum. 😉 ! Since we're just bouncing messages back and forth.. You can get more missions/jobs with the fast forwarding button on top of the screen.

      If you want to convict anybody (uplink agent or some unsuspecting sap) you have to know their name..

      To hack into a bank, you use the voice analyzer like this... (I might have forgotten a step but there are a couple of posts already about this topic...)

      1. Log on to Internic, find and add the public access server of the bank you want to hack to your links.
      2. log on to the public server and add the number of the administrator to your links
      3. start the voice analyzer
      4. call the admin (his number will show up on the world map, connect like normal server)
      5. the voice analyzer will record his voice --> do NOT close the voice analyzer program (learned the hard way)
      6. Connect to the bank, bypass the monitor and proxy.
      7. Break password, cipher (need decipher) and voice analyzer (press the play button)..
      8. The rest I'll leave out, so that you can have some fun...

      Hope that helps.



    • According to Introversions Upkink board, its impossible to get into the government mainframe, mianly beacuse that its impossible to get the administrators phone number.

      WARNING: Web Boards can be hazardous to your health.
      ""You know the world has gone crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the Swiss hold the Americas Cup, France is accusing the US of arrogance and Germany doesn't want to go to war."
      - Unkown
      (url="http://"")The Women of SF Archive(/url)

    • That certainly takes the point (and fun) out of it.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Phillyman:
      **My guess is that Zortrium has (liked most of us) played the demo over and over and is looking for other challenges.

      Nah, I've only played it twice. I used the abandon trick to prolong the game for a long time so I could do all the interesting stuff. Unfortuneately I think I've exhausted everything already.

      One more moderately interesting thing to hack in the demo is the International Stock Market. Although you can't get your own account in the demo, there's nothing stopping you from buying and selling stock as the admin. You can get the link at InterNIC.

      (url="http://"")- The Demented Cartoon Movie(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by gazza_2001:
      **According to Introversions Upkink board, its impossible to get into the government mainframe, mianly beacuse that its impossible to get the administrators phone number.


      Rats. At least I won't waste any more time poking around looking for the phone number.


    • im not even going to answer this forum...

      rning:! Error with Server)
      Conection Terminated By

    • The government mainframe has voice verification, but actually has no administrator (in the data files)- you work it out.

      It's academic though; there's nothing there.

      No, seriously. There's nothing there. Check your usr file.

      I am both worried and saddened by nationwide news of increasing rates of anxiety and depression.
      The creator of RedshirtX and InterNARC

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Adriac:

      No, seriously. There's nothing there. Check your usr file.


      Hmmmmmmmmmm. Well well well.

      (sometimes I'm a little slow on the uptake <g> )
