Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Copy Large and secure corpporate database żHelp?

      6 9 360

      Oy, I was just doing the mission copy large and secure corporate database and the database that I was supposed to be dropping data files off in stopped letting me upload things from my memory banks to the data base that belongs to alpha develpoments. I have tried several different data files and still it will not let me upload. I can down-load from my target "Medianet Systems Internal Servises and I wish to get this mission done, and hopefully fast.

      I feel like an idiot spelling the subject wrong

      Are we sad because it rains or does it rain because we are sad?
      An eye for an eye and soon the whole world will be blind.

      (This message has been edited by Xenocide (edited 06-06-2003).)

    • Yeah, I've had that problem too.

      That is not dead
      which can eternal lie
      And with strange aeons,
      even death may die.

    • I believe the server is just full, try deleting some of the other files that have popped up there.

      "Verizonish" -Texas Rangers' Outfielder Carl Everett, when asked how he felt after being hit with a cellphone during a game.

    • I did but I will try again

      Edit: Nope doesn't work
      Are we sad because it rains or does it rain because we are sad?
      An eye for an eye and soon the whole world will be blind.

      (This message has been edited by Xenocide (edited 06-06-2003).)

    • Were any of the files encrypted? Also, sometimes the server cannot hold enough for all of them, so reply and get part of the money (some missions just cant be completed)

      Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
      "You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil and whitedevil2

    • Make sure you are only copying the files you NEED to copy to finish the often isnt all of them...It is(in my experience) usually some sort of research, and they will be in numerical order. I.E.~~>
      ........................................And so on....In my experience there is exactly enough room to hold the files..i havnt run into one where you cant finish...

      (url="http://"") <~~ Check out my latest CGE project!!!

      (edit)Changed some spelling errors.(/edit)

      (This message has been edited by bodadem (edited 06-06-2003).)

    • I did get that part solved but now I am working on the second Arunmor mission, and when it tells you to enter the console and the progam will hide it's self...

      1. Is there a specific memory slot in the ARCISM (ARC Internal Services Machine) that the tracer is supposed to enter. (I couldn't find one so I deleated a random file and put it there)
      2. After the tracer is in what do I do in the concole to get it running

      -Poor deluded Xeno-

      Are we sad because it rains or does it rain because we are sad?
      An eye for an eye and soon the whole world will be blind.

    • enter the console and type "cd usr" "Run file name here"

      (url="http://"") <~~ Check out my latest CGE project!!!
      Posted Image

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Xenocide:

      1. Is there a specific memory slot in the ARCISM (ARC Internal Services Machine) that the tracer is supposed to enter. (I couldn't find one so I deleated a random file and put it there)
        -Poor deluded Xeno-


      If you scroll down their file list, you can copy the file to a blank memory slot below all of their files.
