Are we still alive? Or is Coldstone in the midst of a very slow and quiet death? I'm not really planning to use Coldstone again myself, but I do follow the community, and I'd love to see the program working again. So is there a CS community lurking in waiting, or is the beginning of the end?
I just really can't think of anything else to say about the subject. All that I think is left is to wait. We can sit and talk about what could happen but it's gotten to the point where everything's boiled down to waiting for the final verdict. You won't see me starting any new topics but I'm happy to reply to any topic that seems interesting.
The only thing that comes into my mind about PoG and CS now (besides for if it's ever coming back or not) is if after Defcon ASW is gonna have more software to work on or if they'll put (more) time into the PoG/CS problem.
This post has been edited by Two Jacks : 28 February 2007 - 02:48 AM
I'm still around, with a finger on the pulse you might say. But, and this is a highly regretful but, I can't honestly say that I will definitely jump back into Coldstone usage if and when we have a workable product again. Out of the three games I had in development stages, one (a team work) has evolved into a pair of pen&paper D&D-esque adventures, another has been spun off into a novella, and the third became a nebulous other. Oh, assuming I get my hands on a new and updated Coldstone I'll definitely continue to play with it, but the long wait has perhaps taken something of a toll.
The forum is a great deal quieter now, as well. Perhaps the CS community can rise like a phoenix with the release of an update, perhaps it can't. But there'll still be a few of us around - that, at least, I'm sure of.
I, too, check this board on an almost daily basis. As I read the tea leaves at present, the situation is this: there are those with knowledge and talent who were willing to take on the project, but Andrew's word was that Coldstone was so frought with bad code that it would not be worth the time and effort. In other words, he said "No" to the project.
I am somewhat surprised that the administration has not made an anouncement of the abandonment. To my knowledge, no work is being done on Coldstone and none is presently scheduled.
Sorry, CI-Ia0s, but the pulse gets weeker with every passing day. As for myself, I have quit working on all of the PoG plugins I had going (two major ones and a couple of minor ones.) Large works by Stark Bledfast and Cafall have also become vaporware. PoG cannot be updated without a new version of Coldstone and I just don't see it happening.
There seems little point in putting in the time when the player base has shrunk to only a handful.
I've actually decided to finish my own game with Coldstone. My work life has been extremely demanding, unfortunately, so it's going at an incredible snail's pace.
It's been so long since I've done anything with coldstone. I bought it when it first came out, and fell in love. Then it got broken in various OS updates, and I started to look elsewhere for an easy way for making RPG games. I have never found a set of tools that are as easy to use, and yet as powerful as coldstone is/was. Defeated and dejected, I decided to wait for a set of tools to arrive that would allow me to build the game that I wanted to build. I was hoping that coldstone would be updated, but I've pretty much given that idea up now. Recently, I purchased a Mac Pro desktop. And I instantly started thinking about starting up the search again. And again, everything pointed me back to Coldstone. Then I read that you can run coldstone made games in Crossover(cept without music). So I downloaded a windows demo of POG, and was so shocked to see it run on my mac pro. And it ran well too. That's enough for me. No more waiting. I've got a powerbook G4 that can run classic, and 10.2.8. So I'm gonna do all the development in coldstone on that system, and meanwhile do all the art, and game testing on my Mac Pro. So yeah...I had no pulse when it came to using coldstone, but it seems someone's dropped a couple of those electroshock paddles on me, and I'm back up and running again.
I can only surmise, JacaByte, that because ASW is no longer promoting either, it is best from their standpoint not to have demo versions of either available. This is further evidence in my mind that the end has arrived even though no death certificate has been issued.
This reminds me of a story, why exactly I'm not sure, but what the heck, here it is anyway:
Jock McGreggor was on his death bed. He summoned his best friend, Ian McKeever to his bedside and asked him if he could count on him to do a favor after he was gone.
Ian replied, "Of course. I'll do anything you ask."
Jock said, "Do you know that seven year old bottle of scotch I've been savin' all these years?"
"Aye, I know it well."
"Well, when I'm gone," Jock continued, "would you mind pourin' it over me grave?"
Without any hesitation, Ian said, "You know I'll do that for me best friend, but could I just ask a wee favor in return?"
"And what is that, me good man?"
"Do ya mind if I sift it through me kidneys first?"
@rubber-ducky, on Mar 2 2007, 02:46 PM, said in Pulse Check:
I can only surmise, JacaByte, that because ASW is no longer promoting either, it is best from their standpoint not to have demo versions of either available. This is further evidence in my mind that the end has arrived even though no death certificate has been issued.
This reminds me of a story, why exactly I'm not sure, but what the heck, here it is anyway:
Jock McGreggor was on his death bed. He summoned his best friend, Ian McKeever to his bedside and asked him if he could count on him to do a favor after he was gone.
Ian replied, "Of course. I'll do anything you ask."
Jock said, "Do you know that seven year old bottle of scotch I've been savin' all these years?"
"Aye, I know it well."
"Well, when I'm gone," Jock continued, "would you mind pourin' it over me grave?"
Without any hesitation, Ian said, "You know I'll do that for me best friend, but could I just ask a wee favor in return?"
"And what is that, me good man?"
"Do ya mind if I sift it through me kidneys first?"
Hmm I think I understand it. The scotch is PoG/CS, Ian McKeever represents the people wanting to play CS/PoG, and Jock McGreggor is ASW with PoG/CS (the scotch). A good analogy.
Basicly (for me) it meens: Ok you can burry PoG but before you do can I have some time with it?
Like JacaByte said, I don't know what the connection is, or why it came to mind, all I know is that this place was getting very morbid and needed a little humor to brighten things up.
If anybody else has a good story to tell, feel free. We could all use a good laugh. Just keep it relatively clean and decent please.
@jacabyte, on Mar 3 2007, 05:52 PM, said in Pulse Check:
I know who the person with a pair of Jacks is...
Yeah but the joke has nothing to do with my screen name.
(Though my screen name is related to poker.)
A Minneapolis couple decided to go to Florida to thaw out during a particularly icy winter. They planned to stay at the same hotel where they spent their honeymoon 20 years earlier.
Because of hectic schedules, it was difficult to coordinate their travel schedules. So the husband left Minnesota and flew to Florida on Thursday, with his wife planning to fly down the next day.
The husband checked into the hotel in Florida. There was a computer in his room, so he decided to send an email to his wife back in Minnesota. However, he accidentally left out one letter in her email address, and without realizing the error, sent the email.
Meanwhile, somewhere in Houston, Texas, a widow had just returned home from her husband's funeral. He was a minister who was called to Glory following a heart attack. The widow decided to check her email, expecting messages from relatives and friends.
After reading the first message, she screamed and fainted. The widow's son rushed into the room, found his mother on the floor, and saw the computer screen which read:
It's a good story, Debra, but if the couple was planning "to thaw out during a particularly icy winter" why is the email dated "JULY 24, 2006"? Or are the icy winters in Minneapolis really that long?
Thanks for the good laugh anyway.
P.S. We seem to have a thread of death or dying weaving through some of these posts. Hmmm......
With that in mind, I'll offer one more.
A man brings his dog into the animal clinic, sets the dog on the examination table, and says to the vet, "Doc, what's wrong with my dog?"
With only a quick glance, the doctor proclaims, "The dog is dead."
"NO! NO! That can't be," the man exclaims in an agitated manner, "I love that dog. I want a second opinion, or at least some testing done."
With that, the vet goes over to the corner of the room and picks up a sleepy cat and sets her on the table with the dog. The cat sniffs at the dog, gets bored, jumps off the table, and goes back to her blanket. Then the vet opens a door and out jumps a large Labrador retriever who barks in the dog's face with no response from the man's pet.
"Gee, I guess you're right," admits the man, "What do I owe you?"
"That will be $550." says the vet.
"$550!" shouts the man in shock, "How come so much?"
"Well I was only going to charge you $50, but you wanted a 'cat scan' and a 'Lab report.'"