A random smattering of enemies:
Goblin Highwaymen: Everyone knows the natural prey of the Goblin is money. Usually this means that the worse they'll do to you is offer you soulviniers at outrageous prices, or maybe set up a tourist trap, but several desperate Goblins hunt money in more... terminal... ways. Thus come the Goblin Highwaymen. They trivel along the roads of the Midlands, the Northlands, the Southlands, indeed, anywhere where there are Goblins (ie, everywhere), and wait for unwary and/or wary travellers to pass. Then they charge out from their hiding places. They aren't very good fighters, and since only the most poor Goblins would opt for this career path, they aren't too well equiped. But there's a lot of 'em. Many a Goblin has lost his fortune in the Goblin Stock Market, and been forced to prey off of others to survive.
City Guard: Most cities have guards. They don't bother you if you don't kill any body. They may offer you a job, but if that's the case they'll cease to be City Guards and become _____ the City Guard. Most cities in the Midlands have a motely collection of men, women, Elves, Goblins and anything else that may be living in the area (but not Orcs or Dwarves... they face heavy discrimination. No one knows why), with a higher proportion of humans as you get futher north or south.
Goblin Terrorists: The Goblin Highwaymen have a reason hurt others. They need money, or they'll starve and freeze and, in the Iltmir River Valley, drown. The Goblin Terrorists, on the other hand, have simply gone off the deep end. They're usually quite rich, and thus better equipped than the Highwaymen, usually carrying weapons using Gunpowder, making them fighters to be reckoned with. Fortunately, they are really rare, and tend to explode spectacularly when their guns malfunction.
The Gronk: Gronk! Gronk! Gronk!
The player can be a Goblin, human or Elf. I COULD let them be a Dwarf or Orc, but because of differing attitudes about Dwarves and Orcs as opposed to the more mainstream humans, Goblins and Elves, I'd probably have to make two different versions of the game 
Cross over the cell bars, find a new maze, make the maze from it's path, find the cell bars, cross over the bars, find a maze, make the maze from its path, eat the food, eat the path.