Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Stuck on bank and Global Criminal Database... suggestions?

      16 27 461

      I'm new to Uplink, but I love it so far. (I've already registered in fact.)

      That said, I'm finally having some trouble. I've progressed beyond hacking social security information (barely; proxy bypass is a little tricky to juggle with the password cracker) and now I have one mission to hack the criminal database (and many others like it available) and one to hack a bank. The latter is much harder, becuase the bank has level 5 proxy and monitor and voice protection and elliptical, whereas the database has only level 1 proxy and monitor, and an elliptical password or whatever. I've purchased Decypher 2.0, but even with dual 150 GHz processors and about 5 million bounces it can't crack the code in the allotted time.

      What do I have to do here, fast forward time and do enough basic missions to get the $20,000 packages that look kind of important, like the HUD upgrade? Or can I do something more interesting?

      (url="http://"")Click here(/url) to support college-bound geeks.

      (This message has been edited by LoneIgadzra (edited 05-30-2003).)

    • Hmm... Interesting. By the time I was doing these missions, however, I had dual 200 Ghz processors. Try that. This is the pattern I hack banks with:

      • Run Decypher, Firewall Bypass, Proxy Bypass (if needed)

      • Crank Decypher up if taking too long

      • Run Voice Analysis

      Usually works great. Once done with the bank, I usually have about a minute to spare.

      Keep what ye c'n git, an' keep what ye ha'e, for that is the wey t' gettin' rich - Old Scottish Commoner Saying - "Mac users are loyal. PC users are stubborn

    • Try putting all of your CPU power to the decypher. And by the way, the missions that tell you to hack the bank only require a proxy bypass/disable, as they already tell you the account number, all you need is to do is check info on that, and if all they want is how much money he has, I dont think you even need to take down a proxy

      Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
      "You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil and whitedevil2

    • Okay I'm at the exact same place but I have sort of a different problem. My prob is I still have all my original hardware, I have a proxy disable/bypass (whichever one is cheaper and crappier, thats the one I got. :), and I barely managed to pay for a decypher to get past the Elliptic Curve deal on the criminal records place. But, even jumping through about 50+ servers before connecting to the criminal server, I don't have enough time for the decypher to crack the elliptic curve crypt. Yes, I put 100% cpu power into the decypher. I have no money, so I can't buy a cpu upgrade to make the decypher work faster... but I also can't do any missions because all the easier ones disappeared. This is not a good thing. I am strangely addicted to this game, despite all it's faults (main being how slow and unresponsive the buttons are)...and would strongly consider buying it if there wern't these kinds of problems.. Maybe some more revisions are in order? Anyways, great game guys. Hope someone can help me out!


    • Do a trace transfer mission, and just take the money when you're done. Quick cash.

      "En grisrumpa är fläsk, rök den och det blir skinka."
      (A pig butt is meat, smoke it and it becomes ham.)
      ~ Sweedish Translation

    • Or get missions and ask for half the money first. You can have missions sitting around for months and they won't go anywhere, so stockpile money.

      (url="http://"")- The Demented Cartoon Movie(/url)::(url="http://";=Ares+Trash+Talk&number;=12&DaysPrune;=2&LastLogin;=")Hmm, what could this be?(/url)

    • Okay, I figured out the bank thing; getting into an account turns out to be a rather simple hack. My only problem is I don't know what to do when I find out how much money the guy has. How do I prove that I've found that information?

      I think I had another question too, but I can't remember it at the moment...

      (url="http://"")Click here(/url) to support college-bound geeks.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Zortrium:
      **Or get missions and ask for half the money first. You can have missions sitting around for months and they won't go anywhere, so stockpile money.


      If you have goood enough of a rating, ask for all of the money first!! And loans never hurt (kinda), uplink allows for a couple thousand in loands, and all the other banks allow for a thousand or so

      EDIT--prove you found it by typing how much money he has in the email (when you reply, it has an "additional requested data" right after what is automatically typed, just put your mouse over the email and type the number) be careful though, sometimes they want the loan size, sometimes they want his account size

      Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
      "You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil and whitedevil2

      (This message has been edited by SlaVitiCkus (edited 05-30-2003).)

    • Okay, I've got all the bank stuff figured out. Now I'm just desperately trying to get enough money to get all the best bypassers before the missions that don't require them dry up.

      And I've now got 350 GHz total, and I still can't crack the internation criminal database in time (about a minute now). Yes, I am assigning as many cpu cycles to Decypher 3.0 as possible. I sure hope I won't have to do it again once I've cracked it the first time... I can't see cracking it and then doing the mission in one go at this rate.

      (url="http://"")Click here(/url) to support college-bound geeks.

      (This message has been edited by LoneIgadzra (edited 06-03-2003).)

    • Don't just bounce through lots of servers. Use password breaker to get admin for internal services machines, which you can do in seconds and disconnect from before they revoke your password, then bounce through those. I usually only need 10 - 20 bounces for heaps of time on the highest level missions. You only get 1-2 seconds for a public bounce, but you get 10-20 seconds for the good admin account bounces.

    • Well, all my past problems have been solved (I was using Decypher wrong, and I didn't realiz that I'd finally managed to get all the bypassers) and now I have a new one: How, exactly, do I go about taking down a computer? I figured out how to shut it down sort of intuitively at the console, but I can't figure out how to trash it.

      (url="http://"")Click here(/url) to support college-bound geeks.

    • From console, delete files in /log then in /sys

      For fun you can also delete /usr just to ruin as much as possible for that company

      Then shutdown. Since you deleted the os files in /sys, the system will not boot.

      To remove a directory, cd into that directory then enter "delete"

      PS: Monitor disable's nice, no? 🙂

      Disclaimer: In cases of
      major discrepancy, it's
      always Reality that's got it

    • You need to delete the usr, but the log is optional
      Just in case you dont know how do delete all of this, in the consol, type

      cd usr
      *cd log
      cd sys

      **The ones with *'s are optional depending on how far along the trace is

      Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
      "You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil and whitedevil2

    • I remember my other question now: What exactly does increased bandwidth do for you?

      (url="http://"")Click here(/url) to support college-bound geeks.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by LoneIgadzra:
      **I remember my other question now: What exactly does increased bandwidth do for you?


      Very little that I can see. It might speed up copying files or something, but I can't really tell the difference.

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      You have been warned: More haikus are coming!!!

    • Exactly how do I use the bloody Proxy bypass? I open the thing but the only buttons lit are the close and pause.

      What does the monitor bypass do?

      Where can I find a list of console commands? Killing servers is fun 🙂

      What can I do to maximize my time before the trace is completed?

      Is the stock market a viable way to make money? I was thinking of like totalling a server (tossing usr and sys and then shutting it down), wait for the stock price to dive, buy buy buy, then wait for it to go back up (possibly by hacking competition?). I'm just concerned about other hackers screwing up the profitability.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by TommyBleu:
      **Okay I'm at the exact same place but I have sort of a different problem. My prob is I still have all my original hardware, I have a proxy disable/bypass (whichever one is cheaper and crappier, thats the one I got.:) , and I barely managed to pay for a decypher to get past the Elliptic Curve deal on the criminal records place. But, even jumping through about 50+ servers before connecting to the criminal server, I don't have enough time for the decypher to crack the elliptic curve crypt. Yes, I put 100% cpu power into the decypher. I have no money, so I can't buy a cpu upgrade to make the decypher work faster... but I also can't do any missions because all the easier ones disappeared. This is not a good thing. I am strangely addicted to this game, despite all it's faults (main being how slow and unresponsive the buttons are)...and would strongly consider buying it if there wern't these kinds of problems.. Maybe some more revisions are in order? Anyways, great game guys. Hope someone can help me out!


      The proxy bypass is apparently better, but since I don't know how to work it I use the proxy disable instead. If you do it first then start decypher as soon as its done you should have more success.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by XT:
      **Exactly how do I use the bloody Proxy bypass? I open the thing but the only buttons lit are the close and pause.

      What does the monitor bypass do?

      Where can I find a list of console commands? Killing servers is fun 🙂

      What can I do to maximize my time before the trace is completed?

      Is the stock market a viable way to make money? I was thinking of like totalling a server (tossing usr and sys and then shutting it down), wait for the stock price to dive, buy buy buy, then wait for it to go back up (possibly by hacking competition?). I'm just concerned about other hackers screwing up the profitability.


      1. First, do you have a HUDConnectorAnalysis? If not, proxy bypass is useless until you do. When you do have it, you open up the HUDCA and look at the connection. If one of the slots is analysed as having a proxy, you open the proxy bypass and put it over the proxy by clicking on the proxy while in control of the bypass.

      2. Same with the first, it works with the HUDCA. When you look at the connection, if a monitor appears (and it does that often), you use this in the same way as the proxy bypass and move the bypass over the monitor. What this does is give you some extra time to go in and stuff. Bypassing the monitor will make it ignore you if you dont log in as the admin or if you dont go using the dictionary hacker (which is a great idea for a device, though has very limited use in game). When cracking admin passwords, keep this over the monitor and itll not trace you until you actually log in, which gives you some precious few seconds to play around.

      Also, the monitor bypass also stops the monitor from seeing you as you decrypt an elliptical curve whatchamacallit or the voice analyser. Cracking into banks is extremely easy when you have one. Crack into the admin using the voice analyser and the decrypt as well as the password cracker, then copy the account infos. Watch out, though, as once you log in as the admin, the trace starts anyways, giving you a timer. Its easy to hack bank passwords with this as well. Just put the acct number up and do a password breaker, if the monitor is on, no trace will go through, giving you unlimited access to the bank file.

      3. If you scroll up 4 responces and actually READ, youll find a handly little list of commands right there.

      4. More bounces, the more links in the chain, the slower the chain is followed. Also the monitor bypass gives you time as it doesnt trace you as you are hacking the password, only traces you once you are inside the system. Get about 15 different places to bounce around, and youll find you have more time on your hands than before.

      Also, get faster processors. The less time spent on each individual task means the more time you have to do multiple tasks.

      5. Havent found the stock market yet, where do I find it?

      Now pass this on! If you don't, you'll be eaten by crocodiles.

      (This message has been edited by Desert Fox (edited 05-31-2003).)

    • 5. The stock market can be found in InterNIC. I haven't really played with it myself yet.


    • Two new questions:

      Currently the only kinds of missions in my class that I am capable of completing are ones where I have to get someone arrested. I can do the "Our esteemed friend wishes to make a donation..." ones, successfully cover all my tracks and everything, but the people still say I haven't completed the mission. (edit: I've solved the hacker tracing problem.)

      So I guess I need some sort of hint about how to find out this guy's name...

      (edit: I've also figured out how to connect to the LAN. The question is, how do I get into the server and access the logs without getting booted by the admin?)

      (url="http://"")Click here(/url) to support college-bound geeks.

      (This message has been edited by LoneIgadzra (edited 05-31-2003).)