Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • help plz

      my system is os 10.2
      i am working on a new game and i went to test what i had done so far and it just stopped on the loading screen. the loading bar finishes but nothing happens. im kinda new to cs so plz help me figure it out. thanx b4hand.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by decoy333333:
      my system is os 10.2
      i am working on a new game and i went to test what i had done so far and it just stopped on the loading screen. the loading bar finishes but nothing happens. im kinda new to cs so plz help me figure it out. thanx b4hand.

      Hello to you, and welcome to the boards.

      We have a problem with the Coldstone editor in that it will/may not work if you don't use the start up files from the "medieval game". This is a know bug that is supposed to be getting fixed. So, here is how to fix the problem.
      Make a new game
      Use the Medieval game as a starting point.
      Then add your own graphics. Do NOT remove any of the old ones unless you are replacing them.
      Add your own items, spells, maps, etc, and then link them into the Medieval game.
      (this will replace the files in the existing game so you can see what you have done so far.)
      There is a limit to the number of events you can use in a non registered Coldstone.
      Don't remove any events or items (in fact anything) until you are positive you don't required them.
      Run you game. If you still have the problem, come back and give us an explanation of exactly what happened, and when it happened.
      And good luck to you. I hope your game goes smoothly from now on.

      - - - - - - - - - -
      Just trying...

    • i wont be using ne of the parts. im making a version of a space invaders game just to get used cs. i already know how i will hav it set up. do i still need to save the parts or midieval?

    • It sounds like you are missing the "Start Game" event.( I don't know if that is the correct name for it?) It will send the player after the game loads to what ever is next. This can be the "Main" event or a start up screen.

      Check out how the medieval game's events/locations are set up...

      Magnum gloriam Efeionae est!
      The forest is calling,how
      will you answer?
      (url="http://"")P.P.P. Games Online(/url)

      (This message has been edited by Efeion (edited 07-05-2004).)

    • I take it you are using a map. This happened to me with one of my games. Well, several actually. It was the map file becoming corrupt. I don't know how it does but it does. Try deleting the map and remaking it. That worked for me. The strange thing is that this only seems to happen with the first few maps. After that it is fine. If not then try and using the medieval game

      (url="http://"")M cubed homepage(/url)
      (url="http://"")M cubed Network(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by decoy333333:
      my system is os 10.2
      i am working on a new game and i went to test what i had done so far and it just stopped on the loading screen. the loading bar finishes but nothing happens. im kinda new to cs so plz help me figure it out. thanx b4hand.

      Welcome to the boards, decoy333333. Let me give you a tip. Shorthand speak (like "thanks" or "b4hand") is generally frowned upon on these boards. Such has been the downfall of many new users. Learn to type stuff out longhand, and you'll be fine. It's always nice to see a new face around here, though!

      Windows: 32 bit extensions and a graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit operating system originally coded for a 4 bit microprocessor written by a 2 bit company that can't stand 1 bit of competition.

    • ill try making a new map. thanks. also, i tried the midieval and changed it. it froze when i hit new game on the title screen. i remeber i had that problem when i first used coldstone with only the midieval setting. i don't rememeber how i fixed it though. i hope that helps you help me. thanks beforehand.

    • now the title screen doen't even work. it worked fine until i replaced. i think i did everything right. i made the name exacly the same as the original. any help is appreciated.

    • What do you mean by the Title screen is not working? We need more info on what is going wrong.

      Magnum gloriam Efeionae est!
      The forest is calling,how
      will you answer?
      (url="http://"")P.P.P. Games Online(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by decoy333333:
      now the title screen doen't even work. it worked fine until i replaced. i think i did everything right. i made the name exacly the same as the original. any help is appreciated.

      What Program did you use to make the interface? What format did you save the picture in.


    • Hi. I suggest you start over and do what Albadar suggests. I had to do it this way. In changing the graphics, the more I tried, the better I did.

      -- Debra
      Danillitphil Productions

    • i used photoshop to make the interface. its a .PNG file. al of the other game interfaces work except that one. it stops at the loading screen. i check and the startgame.cet is correct.

      (This message has been edited by decoy333333 (edited 07-06-2004).)

    • Does the picture have the same name as your Start Up screen location? Also make sure your start up screen location is the same name that it is in the medieval game?

      Be careful of changing the names of any of the events/locations/etc that medieval game started with. It can cause all sorts of problems...

      Magnum gloriam Efeionae est!
      The forest is calling,how
      will you answer?
      (url="http://"")P.P.P. Games Online(/url)

      (This message has been edited by Efeion (edited 07-06-2004).)

    • One more important tip: Do not have any "Wait" actions in events tied Main Locations. They just don't work and cause the game to "stick" on one screen (usually plain black if the wait is tied to the first screen). There currently is work being done on an update, though, so hopefully this will be remedied.

      (url="http://"")The Homepage of Cha0s(/url)