Which is true. Except, that at 0 they're the most fearless, as technically you could put a really really really big number in morale and they would still not be invincible, so they decided to use 0.
On a side note (semi-related), I think that CS uses "Shorts" for most of its fields therefore, the maximum/minimum values for most fields are 32767 and -32768. Information from my Java book/personal experience. (And if you're wondering why my Java book would have the correct information, between C++ and Java most of the formats for "Primitive Types"--as they are called--are the same...). 
EDIT: So if the hero won't be able to deal 32767 damage to the boss, you can use that instead of 0... though I recall that there might be an engine-enforced cap on the morale field (not the others...). I'm gonna take a look at that...
Nope, no cap. Max Morale is 32767. 
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(This message has been edited by CI-Ia0s (edited 03-29-2004).)