Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • I found out how to hack into the ARC mainframe... now what do I do there?

      11 15 384

      Okay, so now that I've gotten tons of money and I'm pretty skilled with a nice computer and all the software you can get, I decided to start the storyline. I got the email from the agent who provides you with the information on the ARC Mainframe. I managed to hack in past all the defenses, but now my question is what do I do now? I get to see all these files, whoop de doo.

      Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?
      -Edgar Bergen

    • you dont even have to do that 🙂 just use the dead agents password at the user log in screen, disconnect and leave the logs. if you had the email, and have waited for a while, then you would have probably missed the storyline too 😉 you have about 2-5 days (i think) to start the storyline, or another agent gets it (AI one that is).

      We dont stop playing cos we get old.
      We get old cos we stop playing

    • but what about the voice print ID thing? how do you hack that?
      and 2-5 days after you get the email?!? thats nothing, theres no way i coulda been ready for that by then...

      "So, to those who would point to the views championed in Lord of the Flies, that humankind's violent nature is innate and will ultimately cause its downfall - to them I say: not with the kids I see every day."--Tim Comolli, My High School's Imaging Lab Director

    • I'd just delete everything and shut the system down... muahahahaha

      "If your armor is >70% after battle, you are not a true warrior" -Me
      "God does not play dice" -Albert Einstein
      "Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity." -Albert Einstein
      Et je dirai: "C'est la vie!"

    • ... the voice analyser is done by opening the phone number of the admin of that computer company (got from the public access server). you need to have the voice analyser running in the background. you can then play back to the voice recording needed part. 😉

      really, dont need to hack it though. you ONLY need to try the password, then disconnect and leave the logs intact 🙂

      We dont stop playing cos we get old.
      We get old cos we stop playing

    • I tried to make this, could hack decypher and the voice recognition but when I reached the password section, I used JubJub and it just didn't work, saying that the password was invalid (the password was at the bottom). I ran the password hack and it didn't work either.

      I did receive the letter... but I deleted it looong ago... is that the reason?

    • I had a problem too. It's one day after receiving the email, so I should be in good shape. Hack in, use his password, and it's invalid. So I hacked in the normal way, this time I wasn't traced. But of course nothing actually happens.

      Oh, wait! I know... it's just because I'm unregistered! If I paid for the game then I'd probably be able to continue.

      Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?
      -Edgar Bergen

    • Actually, you don't get the email immediately. ARC emails you a week after the "hack attempt" you do on their mainframe.

      But, yes, it may have something to do with registration because, IIRC, somewhere along the line, Uplink informs you that they will "encrypt" the other messages so they're only viewable by Registered agents.

      Disclaimer: In cases of
      major discrepancy, it's
      always Reality that's got it

    • i also dont have a link to the ARC public access server... but it seems i missed this anyway... guess ill just go screw some ppl over in the GCD and go on a rampant computer destroying spree instead. mwa ha ha.

      "So, to those who would point to the views championed in Lord of the Flies, that humankind's violent nature is innate and will ultimately cause its downfall - to them I say: not with the kids I see every day."--Tim Comolli, My High School's Imaging Lab Director

    • Go to InterNIC, choose "Browse" and type in "ARC Public". That will give you the IP to the ARC Public Access Server. Click the + to add it to your list.

      Disclaimer: In cases of
      major discrepancy, it's
      always Reality that's got it

    • This is a double-post, so everyone knows...

      Anyways, I just got the email, and my friend told me about this cool tidbit. Look in the ARC logs and you'll see someone copying a file with the name "revelation" in it. You write down the IP and the time, then connect to the IP you just wrote down. Look for a log with the same time, and write THAT IP down, etc. You're basicly tracking the guy who copied the file.

      Apparently, the trial will eventually lead you back to the #1 hacker's computer, where cool stuff happens, but I couldn't trace the trail! It lead through a public access server, which I can't find the logs for... anyone know if there ARE any of these logs?


    • Accually, yeah, there's no need to even type in his password, simply clickin the link in your bookmarks and disconnecting suffices for getting the mission.

      "He has a company that makes computers. Or a computer that makes companies. Anyway, you wouldn't understand."-Homer

    • I got bored... Infected their servers with Revelation.... evilly chuckles


    • i hope i'm not repeating a question from earlier or just skipped over the answer, but if i miss the ARC email, do i ever get another, or is there another way to get it?

      I am the Cheese

    • No. Especially not if Revelation has started being spreaded.
