Hello all,
I did ask Andiyar to post about CGE being allowed in uDG 03 since I'm pretty busy these days getting ready to start the contest. But I thought it best to post here about "what has changed."
uDG was launched as a contest to increase the amount of SOURCE CODE for Mac devs to look at/learn from and so on. So far, it has been very successful and I feel it will continue to fullfil this need. From 2003, we will open the contest to what I refer to as "Game Wizards", and thus the contest will be dubbed "Mac Development Contest" rather than "Mac Programming Contest."
The reason why I think now is the time to slighty alter the mission of the contest is that:
1. As stated above, we will continue to get good source code from traditional tools
2. I want to extend a bridge between people who use CGE and our community
3. Providing a contest where CGE users can participate in will help its community
I explained #1, about #2 -- many artists, designers, musicians want to make games. For many one of the few choices available is CGE. Over at iDevGames, the large majority of visitors are coders. I think if we can bring both communities together then ALL of Mac gaming wins. About #3... I've always like the concept of game wizards, since I was a HUGE fan of Shoot'em Up Construction Kit on the Amiga, and feel that they are a good way to make gamers into game makers. The next step of course is to take them into the territory of C/C++, ObjC and so on. So I think having CGE people join uDG will provide an incentive to make good CGE games and to expand each developer's horizon.
I hope the above all makes sense. 
Please keep in mind that CGE games won't be excluded from our requirements, and that they too must meet the rules of entry. (These will be posted once the contest starts up) In a nutshell, the DOWNLOAD must be no larger than 10MB.. no exceptions. That means, after uncompressing, the playable and associated files would be around 30MB. For some, that will present a challenge, since I recall my own attempts with CGE to make even a small game resulted in 40MB worth of data. Next, copyrighted art/music,/etc may NOT be used. You can use public domain game assets, freeware, game assets from iDevGame. If you plan to use stock art from CGE or Ambrosia, you had better check with them as to their copyrights. That ties in with the last point, ALL SOURCE CODE or in this case PROJECT FILES (and game assets, well programmer-art is OK), and associated files required to compile (in this case EDIT) the game must be made available. (That is why we don't allow things like "ripped" sprites.) If this confuses you, then please wait until we put up the rules, or feel free to ask questions in iDevGames' forum.
Now, one thing that troubles me...
straytoaster mentioned that...
"a bug in the user inte face make it impossible to open up somebody source and see what they did ie how they scripted the game so releaseing CGE source is pretty worthless right now."
If true, then this presents a problem for CGE entrants. I'd like to hear more on this issue, and whether AmbrosiaSW/Beenox is planning on releasing a patch to fix the problem. (If you can find out for me, then I would appreciate it.) uDevGame isn't just about winning prizes, or making games -- it's about making the Mac game dev scene stronger by sharing knowledge.
Carlos Camacho