Originally posted by BretFein:
**Okay - basically, what I want to do is put together a game based on the old series, Space 1999. I just need a few bodies to put in it, and a few uniforms or the occassional spacesuit to slap on them. Uniforms should be easy to vary - just make one, then change the color of the left sleeve. After that, I'll try enlarging a few heads or throwing in a giant octopus-like creature you have to hack away at....
Once I know how to do all that stuff, anyway....
I was a big Space 1999 fan when I was a kid, sounds like a cool project.
Your doing this in Coldstone? I have a big green tentacle horror I made when I was trying coldstone out.
Also you can use the generic people models in the iGame3D Pro download: bob and bobetteT4, as well as the BobJedi, there should be a trooper guy as well. You can very easily change the textures for these, and either script the texture changes or take these steps:
duplicate model
rename model
duplicate textures
rename textures to something like modelname0.png and modelname1.png
I think regular bob only uses 2 textures. Planar mapped, because I'm no U/V texture expert.
bobbetteT4 has 3 texures.
BobJedi has a few more because his lightsaber needs the glow thing.
The trooper is also only 2 textures.
You can set up poses, and rotation and export of screen capture in scripts.
I haven't had a need for this, so I haven't tried it.
should work like this in iGame3D Pro.
make "bob"
move -2 // in front of you
lux true // self illuminated
time 2 // current running time
seti 2,f1
sets 2,".bmp" // string 2
repeat 180
addi 2,1
sets 1,"bob" // string 1
sets 3,i2 // string 3 is the time
append 1,3 // string 1 + string 3
append 1,2 // new string 1 + string 2
player // select player so you don't screensnap the selection circle
get "bob1"
addf 2,2 // add 2 to bobs Y rotation
Well that will produce 180 bmps of bob rotating named "bob1.bmp" etc, it looks like getting screenshots of bob in pose animation mode requires some other trickery. Not impossible, but you also have to edit all those images and produce alpha channels for all of them as well. I had to go through the same process with Poser when I was doing Coldstone. Unfortuneatly I batch processed and batch ruined several hundred images, else I'd donate them.
Well if you want the green tentacle thing send me mail and I'll go digging for it.
Good luck.
And thanks for the plug ellrx. 
Game Dev For All.