Ok, What do I do to get experience with a ranged weapon?
(i.e. Bow with range of 6)
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Just trying...
Ok, What do I do to get experience with a ranged weapon?
(i.e. Bow with range of 6)
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Just trying...
Originally posted by Albadar:
**Ok, What do I do to get experience with a ranged weapon?
(i.e. Bow with range of 6)
The experience usually accrues from the NPCs you kill using it. The ability to use it well is a factor of marksmanship or perception. Increase your perception and your marksmanship goes up and your skill with the weapon increases. Does that answer it, or is there another part to the question? ~RD
My Doctor said I was having too much wine, women, and song - so I gave up singing because 2 out of 3 is not so bad.
The (url="http://"http://www.evula.org/rduck/")Kingdom of Garendall(/url) sectional map is easily printed from gif format pages.
Find those areas you missed the first time around. Have you been everywhere?
without fully understanding the problem ...
experience is rewarded when you kill an NPC
if you want to indirectly award experience, you have to use an attribute wizard action.
to give experience as through the successful use of a tool,weapon,etc,spell,item.
in its hit/use/cast link add an attribute wizard acction with the parameter incrementing 'Experience'
(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/ellrx/index.html")eLL' softWare: Wood...Last Updated 05.16.03(/url)
(url="http://"http://ellrx.web1000.com")eLL' Walker: 'olio(/url)
... I'm like Imhotep but don't flaunt it.
Originally posted by Rubber Ducky:
The experience usually accrues from the NPCs you kill using it. The ability to use it well is a factor of marksmanship or perception. Increase your perception and your marksmanship goes up and your skill with the weapon increases.
Wow, that I didn't know. Very good to know! I can add that in to my game. (was wonder how to do that anyway! he he) But no that doesn't help. Keep reading Please.
**Does that answer it, or is there another part to the question? ~RD
Here's what's going on. I kill a NPC at range. They die, dropping the loot (gold & items). I check the experience on my screen and I still need 100 to go to my 1st level. Why? How can I fix this?
(did you get my mail RD?)
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Just trying...
Are either of you on irc now?
Just mildly curious and..
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Just trying...
It's working for me. Experience isn't given until all the monsters in the encounter are dead. Were there any other monsters actively pursuing the PC when you killed the first?
"I'll give the fans just what they want, and nothing else at all."
Originally posted by myshkyn:
**It's working for me. Experience isn't given until all the monsters in the encounter are dead. Were there any other monsters actively pursuing the PC when you killed the first?
No only one 8 -stamina 8 exp 1 gold 1 dagger NPC is built correctlyworks as advertised. just no exp!
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Just trying...
Originally posted by Albadar:
Are either of you on irc now?
I don't use irc, will AIM help? Nic is: fwwj
Yes, I got the e-mail and answered.
My Doctor said I was having too much wine, women, and song - so I gave up singing because 2 out of 3 is not so bad.
The (url="http://"http://www.evula.org/rduck/")Kingdom of Garendall(/url) sectional map is easily printed from gif format pages.
Find those areas you missed the first time around. Have you been everywhere?
still need ing help by the way
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Just trying...
Some things to check out: Is ranged weapon the only one you have? If not, try killing with another weapon but I don't think this is going to make a difference. If there are other NPCs which also do not yield experience points, then the problem probably lies in some flaw in the hero's makeup. Because I'm doing a plug-in, I have not made a playing character, but the more I think on this, the more I'm convinced it's in the hero and not the NPCs or weapons.
My Doctor said I was having too much wine, women, and song - so I gave up singing because 2 out of 3 is not so bad.
The (url="http://"http://www.evula.org/rduck/")Kingdom of Garendall(/url) sectional map is easily printed from gif format pages.
Find those areas you missed the first time around. Have you been everywhere?
Originally posted by Rubber Ducky:
**... the more I'm convinced it's in the hero and not the NPCs or weapons.
I just checked twice, it gives me the experience with a short sword. And a dagger. I have looked at the weapon but I don't see anything I've done wrong
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Just trying...
Originally posted by Albadar:
**I just checked twice, it gives me the experience with a short sword. And a dagger. I have looked at the weapon but I don't see anything I've done wrong
How do you have your ranged weapon set up?
Try using a different ranged weapon.
Coldstone Developer (url="http://"http://www.warcraftcentral.net/legends/main.html")http://www.warcraftc...gends/main.html(/url)
(This message has been edited by GrahamVH (edited 06-13-2003).)
add an attribute wizard action,that adds to 'Experience' into the NPCs death event.
(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/ellrx/index.html")eLL' softWare: Wood...Last Updated 05.16.03(/url)
(url="http://"http://ellrx.web1000.com")eLL' Walker: 'olio(/url)
... I'm like Imhotep but don't flaunt it.
Originally posted by GrahamVH: **
How do you have your ranged weapon set up? **
It looks to me to be correct. I use the ranged info on the second tab. It looks like it works correctly, I just don't get the exp.
Try using a different ranged weapon.
Try making a new ranged idem, the current one may be slightly corrupted making it so you recieve any experience when you kill an npc with it.
Originally posted by Albadar:
**I would, but won't I get experiece twice that way - sometimes / rarely?
How would I prevent that? I like the fact that you see the exp. animate above the players head.
You won't get extra experience if you set the NPC experience to 0 and have the death event give the actual experience.
Coldstone Developer (url="http://"http://www.warcraftcentral.net/legends/main.html")http://www.warcraftc...gends/main.html(/url)
(This message has been edited by GrahamVH (edited 06-13-2003).)
Originally posted by GrahamVH:
You won't get experience if you set the NPC experience to 0 and have the death event give the actual experience.
Of course, you also won't get the floating experience numbers either. But some might like that...
(url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/pogwalkthrough.htm")PoG Walkthrough and Compendium(/url) | (url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/plugins/dev_tools.htm")PoG Dev Tools(/url) | (url="http://"http://stark.evula.net/plugins/spells_expander.htm")Spells Expander(/url)
(url="http://"http://stark.evula.net")Stark.evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.evula.net")EVula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://mail.ambrosiasw.com/mailman/listinfo/coldstone_dev")Coldstone-dev mailing list(/url) | (url="http://"http://ucplugs.evula.net/pog.html")PoG Upcoming Plug-Ins Directory(/url)
Originally posted by Stark Bledfast:
**Of course, you also won't get the floating experience numbers either. But some might like that...
And I like that idea. So what should I do now? Try a new range weapon? Ok. ( working )
Ok that was the problem. WOW! I have a (somehow) corrupted file. I made a short bow and it works. My Thanks to all.
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Just trying...
Actually, I was making a game that didn't factor in Experience in any way. I set my NPCs' Experience to 0, but the character would still get 1 Experience every time. I even tried setting it to -1, to no avail. Is there a different way to make it so NPCs don't give you experience?
well you heard it here first folks, hardwired experience points, another unwritten must have...well as near as i can tell, if its making you give the player experience then just take it away. This will unfortunately not do away with the number popping up
...maybe you can add in a hidden stat,body count (actually the experience counter). For Instance there was an old man who lived beside a water fall basin in Final Fantasy 7, whom would give oyu your total number of foes defeated, the number of fights you ran from.
to take the point away, in the NPCs death event add an attribute wizard set to subtract 1 from Experience .
(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/ellrx/index.html")eLL' softWare: Wood...Last Updated 05.16.03(/url)
(url="http://"http://ellrx.web1000.com")eLL' Walker: 'olio(/url)
... I'm like Imhotep but don't flaunt it.