Here is a simple way to make your game shareware, but also not have to go through the complicated process of changing code, using other applications, res-edit, whatever:
()Decide where you want to stop your game preventing the user from finishing the story.
()Lets say the point was on a map, in a small passage of trees in a forest.
()When the character steps into that passage, a map event is executed, acting something like this:
Condition IF gb_registered = 1 then end event.
Ask Entry "Enter Game code"(the game code is a unique number supplied with each copy of your game. No 2 games are alike.
Change Globals gb_gamecode=GlobalEntry
Change Globals gb_gamecode100
Change Globals gb_gamecode+50
Continue like this with operators using add, subtract, multiply, but not divide, random, or set for as long as you like.
Change globals gb_checkcode set gb_gamecode
Ask Entry "Enter Name"(this has nothing to do with it, just a bell or whistle)
Ask Entry "Enter Code given to you when you purchased this game"
Condition IF GlobalEntry=gb_checkcode then Change Globals gb_registered=1
Condition IF gb_registered=1 then dialog "Thank you for Registering this game. You may want to save your progress. This will not be reflected in future games. Keep the Registration Code for Future Reference";
Condition IF gb_registered=1 then End Event; else do run event: dialog "Incorrect Registration code", Map Position x=a square of your choice Y=a square of your choice
There is one minor problem with this. If you do this, this method can be easily overridden by a pluging built by anybody tampering with your program. Only way to protect it is to build your game with the "Allow Plugin Development for your Game" checkbox turned off.
Hope this can help!
Whose cruel idea was it to put an 'S' in lisp?