In the animation editor start with the North position then go North-East, East, South-East, South, South-West, West, north-West.
I believe each animation needs at least three frames for each direction
For each direction do the following:
- Create one frame for standing still. This one has no flag.
- create one frame for the animation start. Double click it and mark it with 'Set Marker'
- Create one frame for animation end and mark it with 'Go back to last marker'. I'm not sure if you have to create the markers and go back to last marker in that order. with other words: is the last marker the marker before the 'go back to last marker' or is it the last marker that has been created?
- Create frames in between animation start and end to make your pc move (or rock in the case of a boat).
Pictures can be dragged into the animation list window from the finder. I think it is best to do it one by one, because dragging them in with a whole bunch at a time creates a chaos.
Pictures have a position. the position is marked with a dot. Somehow the dot and the possition of the picture do not exactly mach. I believe the dot is placed on the upper left point of the picture. To have a pc or npc animation you need to move the feet of your character (or the base of your boat) to the center of the animation-window. You do this by moving the dot.
When inserting the first picture you can select 'Move' from the upper right side of your animation screen annd then drag the dot so the picture is placed where you want it. All subsequent pictures use the position of the first. You can also insert your pictures first and select all the dots of the pictures at the same time by dragging a square around the dots and then move it to the position you want. *That is: when all the pictures have the same size and all.
The collision sphere of the character is needed to bump into things. The center of the colision sphere is at the feet of the npc or pc. Since you moved it when repositioning the dots, you need to read the position of the dot by selecting it. Then take the oposite of the dot position to find the center of the collision sphere. (dot is at -100, -249, colission sphere center i s at 100, 249).
There is a relation between the width of the collision sphere and your movement tiles. That's what I think. When the collision sphere is too big, or the movement tiles too small, you can not bump into things anymore (events). More about this later.
Command click moves the center of the animation frame around without m oving the image. this is needed when handling big graphics or when the animation goes from one side of the screen to the other.
(This message has been edited by jeroen goulooze (edited 04-23-2003).)