Oh, and the game will be real time until combat. It will be at the developer's option as too how the party characters other than that of the player will behave. (Do they use AI, or is each controlled by the player in sequence?)
There will be a flexible sides-and-alliances system, about as good as the one in EVN, but it will be able to alter those alliances dynamically via the scripting language. (Which will, if my dream comes to total fruition, have at least a reasonable graphical front end rather like a good wysiwyg HTML editor.)
Side scrolling games will not be supported directly, Lithocast is for RPGs - but given the cleverness with which programmers (Yes, you coldstoners are programmers either ASW says you are or now
) have adapted Coldstone and even Star Wars: Galactic battlegrounds to turn-based play, I won't be to surprised if someone figures out how to make Lithoclast do a sidescroller... but I am not promising anything.
The only barrier to entry for lithoclast that I can think of is users who click the 'New empty world' template in the editor. They'd certainly not be able (Unless they read and understood the manual, and can not give up when it doesn't start up the very first time after weeks of preliminary work because of a bug), I'll admit, to just drag and drop and start creating a map with no supporting Graphics, AIs, Interaction scripts, Key scripts, map tools, effects, etc.
Whereas Coldstone is more of a template where you fill in the graphics, plot, cast, and places, Lithoclast is a tool that prevents you from having to write an interface, world renderer, and other such things like support for saving the game and data-files, etc. Now, IF the editor is as wonderful as I plan it to be - and it might not be, but probably will - you'll be able to chose a template with all that stuff made for you and ready to be altered as little or as much as you want, up to the point where you just fill and the plot and such...
The ease-of-use key here with lithoclast will be the quality of the editor. Editing Lithoclast worlds without the editor would be like programming your mac in hexadecimal. Or MAYBE assembly language. But if you have to do that, you probably want to make a sidescroller and are looking for a workaround to the fact that the engine is isometric
If all goes according to plan, the editor will have all kinds of customizable tools, like, say, a 'trash-can' tool which creates a trash-can objects and stocks it with random, realistic contents that might even renew themselves once in a while. Or a forest-path tool that lays down a path edged with trees that the player can interact with (E.g. by taking an axe to them) and makes the forest at large out of 'dumb' trees that the player can only see but wont interact with reasonably. But of course there is no reason the entire forest could not be made out of 'real' trees if you wanted, Or, if you don't want that much detail, you could make it entirely out of 'dumb' vegetation. Or not have an axe item. Chances are most players won't notice the lack, but may praise the inclusion, of such interactivity.)
One should be able to make an at-least PoG level game with few or no (I don't know for certain now) trips to the 'edit script code' tab. (Also assuming they don't want to edit any of the standard AIs beyond changing some parameters, etc, and that sort of thing. Depending on the quality of the editor (and depending on what his visions of grander mandate), the average developer may not use the code tab at all.)
Once again, any or all of this could change before the first game is released and almost certainly before the engine becomes public.
About the multiple AI target thing - I don't know if the defualt AIs will do this, but there will be nothing to keep you from adding any reasonible AI behavior, but at any rate, Now that I know at least one user wants this, which is why I started the topic in the first place....
#include <stdio.h>
main(void){char a(22) = {0x4a,0x75,0x73,0x74,' ',0x61,0x6e,0x6f,0x74,0x68,0x65,0x72,' ',0x43,' ',0x68,0x61,0x63,0x6b};int b;for (b = 0;b < 23;printf("%c",a(b)),b++){};printf("...n");}
/* Not just for perl. */