Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • I'm a nררb.

      Hi I just downloaded Coldstone and I want to make a small Space Invader type game. I was wondering if anyone could help me? I have not had Coldstone for long so I will need lots of help.

      Altough PC's are the most popular comp in the world. My outlook on this is that it can be imagined that PC's will one day be uterlly anihhilated,terminated, abliterated, flamed, or simply Liqufied!

    • Study and play with the bezier curves in the animation editor,
      that will be near essential for enemy flight patterns and formations.

      Also try to avoid using the old schematic where the player is at the bottom of the screen, and can only move side to side.
      While its extremely possible it will present you with a number of riddles, especially since this is to be a small project.

      Random level selection...hard to do, its best to use a level select screen that uses tile based events.

      buttons 1-8 are reserved/hardWired and used for movement.
      you cannot delete actions from a hardWired buttons, you can append actions to them.
      If you want things to be unblockable, (if memeory serves) use spells/range attacks with damage type magic(pure damage armor/resistances are voided) if you do this through out the game any "Hey this game is made in coldStone i'll just press the 'z' button" should get the point. If you do want them to have armor(like the ship's hull) as defense then use damage types other than magic/natural.

      But of course this could be your classic 'one hit' your dead that case, you could make the spells the NPCs cast (in the event links) subtract an ammount equal to Max stamina, this would likely kill the Player.


      (This message has been edited by ellrx (edited 12-14-2002).)

    • Also,
      if you don't have the time to commit to custom art
      (url="http://"") has lots of good resources.


    • Wait I forgot to say I have the demo of Coldstone. Will this stop me from making the game.

      Altough PC's are the most popular comp in the world. My outlook on this is that it can be imagined that PC's will one day be uterlly anihhilated,terminated, abliterated, flamed, or simply Liqufied!

    • That was quite possibly the best question any newOne has ever asked.
      Posted Image

      The answer is short... YES
      in more ways than one. Do not build any files(events,animations,aany CGE generated file) with the DEMO that you intend on using later. You will experience some very disturbing and currently incurable errors.

      use the trial period to set up generic scenarios with Medieval template games.
      for instance our navigational scheme, distance, etc...use thee prefab art as standins or whaatever.
      but don't reUse anything, generated from the DEMO engine. Near as i can tell CGE has a way of flagging/marking/stamping files from each category of the engine(Classic,X,Demo) and you'd do well not to mix files from any of them.
      (seriously don't even go from using the X version back to the Classic. Decide whcih app you want and stow the latter out of sight)
