Originally posted by Wim:
This is a small idea I like to share:
Excellent idea Wim! Thanks for sharing. 
I've used a similar method, though not with a map of my own creation. I have a couple of maps that I use large stamps on(gates opening/closing, rocks gettng reshuffled, etc). However, since stamps are placed with events they obviously will not show up on the map display.
So I've gone to a technique where once I've finished a map I will put the stamps onto the map as regular object layers(in the spot where I will later place them from within events), and build an overhead picture. Then I delete those stamps and save the map.
Doing this I get the ability to have the stamps show up in the overhead map, but retain the flexibility of modifying them. The only drawback is that the overhead map is static. So for instance when a gate is opened the overview still shows it as being closed. But, I'm fine with that... mostly. 
And please do show us some pics when you have them done. If you need webspace, just ask.
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