Originally posted by Glenn:
**And there are enough fonts (Comic Sans MS, Verdana, Arial, Times, etc) that could be reasonably assumed to be present on user computers that this would still be a good option.
... compatibility issues.**
Ya know, in today's computer world, I really don't this would be any problem at all. Heck, most commercial games out there have lists of compatibility requirements(must have DirectX X.0, must have this, that, the other thing, must be devoutly religious and have divine favor in order for the game to work correctly, etc).
I wouldn't mind seeing this flexibility added. And if you want to go and change the font to something obscene, then you as the developer have a duty to create a "system requirements" list and mention that in order for your game to work correctly the system needs to have that font installed. Packaging it with your game would be a nice idea too.
But the point being, computers have become so diverse that system requirements have become the norm. Requiring a specific font or something similar isn't going to break the sale of your game, even if it is annoying. Though, not as annoying as trying to locate proprietary system drivers for a windows machine... 
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