Originally posted by Klatu:
OK, let's make it a little more difficult - Why is it named Coldstone is good, but why the blue tree on a square "rock"?
Child's play, my dear Klatu. I had ended the story where appropriate, but you are just asking for, as Paul Harvey would say, the rest of the story.
We had left off after a frigid night of partying whereby the terms "Cold-stoner" and "Coldstone" had become coined phrases. Well after the initial game which was thus dubbed "Coldstone" and which ended in cancellation, and the subsequent "project" which was in fact a game engine was created and also named "Coldstone" in part due to a memory, but mostly due to this being such a great name, the company needed a logo to present their new product by and to make it recognizeable to the world. Something grand was needed, not to mention that the best logos always are a symbol of ones origins. This would take a lot of creative genius to figure out, and a whole lot of thought. In other words, another all-night party was absolutely necessary.
The entire staff was assembled and packed into the very same location that derived the earlier incarnation of greatness, and the night was just as low in temperature as before. The staff treated themselves to much adult beverages, and shortly thereafter the holy rod of happy smoke was once again produced. However this time something unexpected happened. One of the members of the staff whom will forever remain nameless(the staff swore oaths of silence never to reveal this person's name), must have inhaled a bit too much, because the results were spectacular(In retrospect, one of the employees stated that the results really weren't all that spectacular. But the effects of the wacky weed made it at the time seem spectacular). The aforementioned unnamed employee became quite flatulant in his demeanor, and when he passed the pipe and the next person over struck a match to re-ignite it, he ignited more than the blissful essence. The voracious vapors immediately caught, propelling the unnamed employee into the air. After the excitement the necessary ribbing commenced, and amidst all the banter and joking one of those gathered exclaimed that he had thought that the unnamed employee was attempting to launch himself to greatness, indeed to borrow a much used colloquialism, to infinity and beyond! This of course inspired a near divine-like creativity, and the next day produced the logo that we are now accustomed to seeing.
But wait, you might say, how did we get from that scene to the present day logo? It seems like such a stretch, not to mention there doesn't appear to be a link at all between the two. Well, just hold on, because it will all make sense in a moment.
You see publicly Beenox has issued their logo for all to see. And it looks like a tree growing out of a stone. Their reasoning, at least publicly, is that their company is metaphorically the bonzai tree: even in harsh, unfertile and unforgiving soil(ie. the Mac platform with its limited user base and often the butt of the other 95% computer platform users jokes), this company will grow and flourish. Indeed it shall take hold where most others wither and die, and it shall reach unprecedented heights of stature and glory, dominating all others to the point that everyone becomes envious. This is a very nice PR type of thing; forward-thinking, goal driven, confidience inspiring. It is a great thing for a small company to do.
However, privately, the entire staff can smile and grin at the "hidden" meaning of the logo. Because you see, that logo is not just a tree growing out of some stone. No, that symbol represents the entire saga that has been told for you, so that its story shall never be forgotten. None of this would have been possible had it not been for that special little weed; however placing such a well-known symbol in their logo would have doomed the company to endless protests and boycotts. No, they could not be that blatant. So instead they utilized that divine-like creativity from that fateful night.
The logo is actually a representation of this fateful evening. The tree isn't a tree; how could it be? The leaves and branches are just too flowing, round, and un-treelike. The base is gripping that "stone" just a bit much; not like the bonzai tree would ever do. No, to the trained eye this logo is definitely not what it seems on the surface. Only the trained eye, or an informed one, could ever hope to pick the reality out of the illusion. And that reality is one of a mushroom cloud billowing out from within a cannabis brownie. And if you think about it for a moment, everything ought to make perfect sense.

(edit) I had to correct a typo, as I'd hate to be decried a heretic for misspelling cannabis. (/edit)
"But soon, soon, soon... the world will be a better place, with meadows and bunnies and fiber optics in every home..."
- Tom Dowdy, Apple Computer
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(This message has been edited by Stark Bledfast (edited 08-27-2002).)