Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • -Help Please/GTA 4

      i just wanna get my game started.

      i want to know the simplest way for a game to have a startup screen, and then a map.

      i have made the startup screen but when i click on the new game button i made the app quits, so maby i went wrong in the process.

      please help and maby one day you will play my game 🙂

      cool idea, make GTA 4 using coldstone, i think it is very do-able


    • My advice is to download the tutorial and go through that. It will outline precisely what you need to do to get a game functional. But if you won't do that... go to this site and scan down to the last question in the questions/tips section.

      This is Straytoaster's site and it is a must visit. The last question in that section deals with the minimum list to get a game up. It looked really scary to me until I went through the tutorial.

      Also... if you had used the search button on this webpage, you would have discovered this link for yourself. The search button is your best friend for the first week or so. Good luck and happy gaming! 🙂



    • Mr. Acuna,

      apollo16's advice is good {especially cuz he recomended my site :)} but the quickest way to build a game to test your art is to build the medieval template that came with coldstone then subsitute your art for the map and/or startup screen that way have a working game and you can see the process.

      im not recomending you use the medieval game build by coldstone to build your game in but as an art or script debugger. This is how i test most things in coldstone before they get put in my game or plugin.

      hope this helps,


      Shift Pattern Graphics at (url="http://"")
      See CGE_Tips at:

    • Tony,

      Testing with the medieval game is very handy indeed but to correct straytoaster... I am a she not a he. :eek: The Apollo16 comes from my thesis work on Apollo 16 lunar soils. (You have no idea how cool it is to get moon dirt delivered to your door!)

      I apologize for this halfspam.



    • i fixed my problem last night

      my tiles were too much for the program, i downgraded them to 16bit textures and now it works like a macho


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Apollo16:

      Testing with the medieval game is very handy indeed but to correct straytoaster... I am a she not a he. :eek: The Apollo16 comes from my thesis work on Apollo 16 lunar soils. (You have no idea how cool it is to get moon dirt delivered to your door!)

      I apologize for this halfspam.



      I humbly apologize but rockets just seem so phallic. as for moon dirt, i like it delivered in small quanitues when the big chunks land near my house i start to worry.


      Shift Pattern Graphics at (url="http://"")
      See CGE_Tips at: