Originally posted by straytoaster:
How was I rude? I simple told him to keep the idle chatter to a minamum. oh if thats rude...
I was referring to posts such as:
yah heck use the seach. you'll find it. improve it and get back to us.
now stop it. you all make my head hurt!
now pretending to be from another planet, that's rude, and childish. wasn't there another poster like this a few monthes back that dissappeared. I don't have time to role play with you and your imagenary friends.
I can understand why you would be exasperated with MK, but you don't need to put in stuff like this. You're wasting time you could be using to help your kids play cars.
But seriously, a simple warning would be enough.
what no chat on #coldstone allowed? guess thats why I don't hang there anymore.
Well, my point was not that you can't chat on #coldstone; but the kind of chat that goes on around #coldstone is too... er... articulate, for him. Plus, none of the ops on #coldstone like him, he'd be kickbanned in a minute.
(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/cafall/pog/tfm.html")The Four Mages(/url), an unfinished quest-oriented plug-in for Pillars of Garendall.
If passion rules reason, how can you allow only reason to rule you?
Ā Cafall