Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • shameless self-promotion

      I was waiting to see if anyone posted this topice before I did, but nothing yet. So, here I go.

      Many members of the coldstone community have there own websites, so I thought it would be great to start a topic that lets coldstone members place links to there sites for everyone to see.

      As far as I'm concerned...

      My URl is: (url="http://"")

      My nickname is JAS (or Klatu here on the web board)

      There isn't anything about games yet, but there are plenty videos, drawings, music, and 3d art to check out.

      Why is there nothing on games yet? Well, I just want to have enough to really show my games off instead of a few unfinished pics - soon, though - soon.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Klatu:
      Many members of the coldstone community have there own websites, so I thought it would be great to start a topic that lets coldstone members place links to there sites for everyone to see.

      Mr. Klatu,

      Not that I have anything against shameless plugs for one's own website, because I don't. Heh. If you have something worth showing, then let everyone know about it.

      However, I would like to point out that there is a section on the (url="http://"")Coldstone web page(/url) that is devoted to (url="http://"")weblinks(/url). Head over there and register your link. 🙂

      "Usenet is like a herd of performing elephants with diarrhea --
      massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a
      source of mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect
      it." -- Gene Spafford, 1992

    • Hi Ya'll

      (This message has been edited by Squak (edited 07-11-2002).)

    • Wow, that was unnecessarily harsh! There's no need to be that rude about it - I merely forgot about adding myself to the weblinks section.

      Well, I know whose on MY "sh!t list" - Squak!

      And thanks Stark Bledfast for reminding me and giving me constructive feedback instead of being a pr!ck.

      You see I usually only visit the web board to see how people are progressing and to lend a helping hand when I can. I don't really pay attention to the rest of website.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Squak:
      **Garbage - why don't you spend more time on making the game than trying to sell t-shirts and mouse pads. This isn't the home shopping web board this is a GCE development web board. So take your wares and dissappear.


      Jas - Dont be offended by Squak, somebody musta pissed in his cornflakes. Nice site and two links to your store dosent make you a wares whore. I better take the banners off my CGE_FAQ site less I incur the wrath of Squak (maybe if he looked past the first page he might have seen the great showcase of your talent) ie adding yourself (picking your nose no less) to the hunnybunny scene is flat-out funny.

      Remember Squak's not stupid, he's advanced....


      {edit-I toned it down- can you believeit}
      Shift Pattern Graphics at <A HREF="

      See" TARGET=_blank>

      See CGE_Tips at:

      (This message has been edited by straytoaster (edited 07-10-2002).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Squak:
      **Garbage - why don't you spend more time on making the game than trying to sell t-shirts and mouse pads. This isn't the home shopping web board this is a GCE development web board. So take your wares and dissappear.


      That was unnecessarily rude. Please try to think before you hit that Submit button.

      The greatest of harm can result from the best of intentions — Wizard's Second Rule, Stone of Tears.
      — Cafall

    • Thanks for the compliment straytoaster - if the site made you have a good laugh then it did it's job - glad you enjoyed it. 🙂


    • (url="http://"")Official Epitheisterra Website(/url).
      (url="http://"")Official Epitheisterra Webboards(/url).

      Enjoy! 🙂


      "Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"

    • Tarnćlion Andiyarus - I looked at your site and the game sounds really interesting!

      I'm looking forward to it!


    • did some one say selfPromotion...i think my signature says it all...

      but any how visit my site
      (url="http://"")and photo shopped, screen render, it's part of the 3d 'automaton' i'm building(/url) progress: 50%
      all that remains is to build the legs and head.
      later the level of detail is best described as meticulaous (while not visible in the (url="http://"")render(/url) ) even the flaps of skin in between the fingers is present.

      (url="http://"")"I'm gonna totally gnaw on your soul, and like floss with your spirit"(/url) visit my site (url="http://"")eLL' Software theNest(/url) (url="http://"")Kane your brother's blood cries out to me..." ~God, didn't think God was iLL like that didja?ż(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Klatu:
      **Tarnćlion Andiyarus - I looked at your site and the game sounds really interesting!

      I'm looking forward to it!


      I hope you're really really patient... from the impression I got from talking to Andiyar and Celchu, all they have done so far is the crons. 🙂

      The greatest of harm can result from the best of intentions — Wizard's Second Rule, Stone of Tears.
      — Cafall

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Cafall:
      **I hope you're really really patient... from the impression I got from talking to Andiyar and Celchu, all they have done so far is the crons.:)


      Plus some graphics, plus some plot work, plus initial engine work, plus backhistory. The chronicles I've released are only really scratching the surface of what we've done so far, Cafall. 🙂


      "Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"

    • heh heh... wrings hands

      The greatest of harm can result from the best of intentions — Wizard's Second Rule, Stone of Tears.
      — Cafall

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Cafall:
      **heh heh... wrings hands


      wrings Cafall's neck

      What, I couldn't resist. 😄 But really Ben is right. We're geniuses over here. It's just coordinating vacations/summer camps/finals/time zones etc. that's the problem. But we're doing fine for a couple of idiot savants, in my opinion. 🙂

      "Are you a story-teller, Thomas Covenant?"
      "I was, once."
      "And you gave it up? That is as sad a tale in three words as any you might have told me. But a life without a tale is like a sea without salt. How do you live?"
      -Stephen Donaldson