One of the tasks I want 'my hero' to have to do is destroy some objects...big magical attacking them.
So I created a test one as an npc and placed it on a map. Set its NPC stats to zero for just about everything (except stamina and gold).
In the game the object has moved on the map....and annoyingly if the player trys to attack it he hits nothing but air, coz its picture and actual position on the map are not the same!
If the player wanders around in the general area of the object swinging away...eventually the object is destroyed - an event is called that tells me so.
Sooo...two questions:
1.Is there any other way of doing this? I'm assuming this is a CS bug, as the developers assumed all NPCs would be charactors that move.
2. I want to change the picture representing the object based on its health. How do I go about this as there does not appear to be an 'on attack' or 'on injury' event? I'm guessing I need to have a conditional run each time the hero hits the object - how can I do this?