Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Freezes everytime

      What exactely is a gmae built with coldston loading when it says 'Loading Items'? My game has no items, just a simple map with one tile that used to work fine. Now the built game freezes saying 'loading tiles' and i have to force quit it. then sometimes coldstone freezes too. Why is this happening and how can I fix it? If you could tell me what its loading when it says loading items, then maybe i could pinpiont the problem.


    • I get this too, although I have plenty of items. (The default items that come with a medieval game.) Any help?

      Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

    • Hmm. What version of Coldstone are you guys using? Carbon or Classic? What system software are you running? Is CarbonLib up to date? Have you set all of the preferences in the 'Game Options' menu? Are you merely launching the game or building a release, then launching it?

      Sorry to ask so many questions back, but I think we'll need specifics.


      "Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"

    • Yup -- mail your detailed and clear information to (url="http://"")

    • This happened to me before - it had nothing to do with items.

      What happened, in my case, was that I was using the PNG file, Full Black, which came with Coldstone, as the mask for my map interface. When I turned that off, it worked. This may be the same in your case... I'm guessing that what happened was that there was a problem with the file, and it crashed trying to load or implement it.

      Hope this helps. 🙂

      -8 Lightnings

    • Quote

      Originally posted by theGlueBubble:
      Yup -- mail your detailed and clear information to

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Commander Arashi:

      I mailed early on, with "Coldstone : Bug Report" as the subject line, and a concise description of the ground layer offset several of us experience, and the inability to use &&tag; values in coordinate boxes. I have to date no confirmation the email was recieved, much less read.

      I'm no longer reporting bugs or issues.


      Ugh, that's not good. I'm not an employee of Ambrosia, so there is no way I can explain it.

      Best I can do for you is say, send it again, they might have lost it in the shuffle.

      And just on principle, even if it takes more of your time, it would be nice of you to keep reporting bugs and issues, because in the end, it will make Coldstone a better product.

      Anyway, send again, and ask why you didn't receive a reply.

      (edit) You could try (url="http://"")