Originally posted by Alex Gray:
**How can you trigger an event at a regular interval? It is such a basic function of most programming that it seems like it should be in this otherwise fabulous toolkit - I'm probably missing something.
I would also like to be able to use the player taking damage as a trigger to call an event. Is there any way to do that?
Thanks for your help
Commander Arashi noted in his reply to you that a 'system clock' has not yet been found... quit looking for it (in this release).
From the earliest 'beta days' I (and others) have been requesting the implementation of such a timing mechanism and it has not yet happened.
In my opinion this is a major weakness in Coldstone. Not having a way to have 'time pass' at some rate in any Coldstone game blocks/prevents much creativity in design and implementation.
As it now stands there is no such animal as a 'time based and triggered event'... all events must be triggered by player action. There can be no day/night changes governed by a clock, no events that occur at regular intervals independent of player action and no 'onetime' events triggered by the month/day/hour in the games universe. An example of this follows:
If after a fixed time (say 2 months on the game clock) the player has not yet accomplished certain tasks or defeated certain foes or rescued someone or something then other events are modified and/or game locations are modified. Without a game clock and time based events this action is impossible.
We are left only with the 'accomplishment' of goals as a method of modifying the game and not the 'lack of success' as a game modifier.
One-half of the creativity in a game is not present.
...it wasn't me...