First of all, I've noticed a bug. Whenever I reach a certain date while speeding up time, the program would quit.
And now I have a file that quits on me after about 7 seconds.
Is there any way I can modify what day it is in there or something?
Or is it supposed to quit on me? (because its only a demo)
Also, on this file I had just gotten someone arrested in the criminal database. I would have found this out myself but the file keeps quitting on me: Can you place anything you want under the convictions, like "good samaritian" "gave to charity" "Watches Survivor" or "OMGLOL11!1! j00 4r3 a hax0r3d f4g0rt!1!!!"
As long as you add "broken parole" at the end?
"It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man." -Jack Handey