Originally posted by Kireck L:
**Goodness it's not THAT serious. It's not like any of us actually have any alchohol as far as I know. Most of us are below the legal age anyway. And about the game thing, you should never be too arrogant about something that you've never done before. You may have experience with games, but you don't have any experience with Coldstone. I'd bite my tongue until I had some proof to back it up. You don't say you are going to be the best, you say you'll do your best. It's embarassing when you run your mouth prior to doing anything and are later prooved completely wrong. I'm not saying you're not going to make a good game, I'm just saying that it's really not wise to make so many unnecessary challenges. It'll only turn out for the worst, trust me. You can't ever be sure that you're just better than someone when you have nothing to compare. Quality in games is extremely relative, you don't know when you're better than someone unless you have experience. Humility is a virtue.
And that's my word.
Oh... Sorry, I wasn't being serious. I'm not that much of a twit, or that egotistical. I have in the past learnt the folly of boasting and arrogance, and please be assured that I mean this little 'challenge' only as a joke between Necro and I.
I personally intend to play every single game that is made and published with Coldstone (as long as I can get them) and i also intend to have a good go at making my own great game. I'm not saying it will necesarily work out the way I've planned it, but with the amount of work Celchu and i have done, it''s probably going to happen. But all of my ranting ie: "My game is gonna rock!" doesn't really mean anything. Not in seriousness, anyway. 
That clear things up?
"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"