Originally posted by sanehatter:
**So... if you're not furthering your transformation into a miniature god with each level up, how else do you grow the character so that the player stays interested? Ideas?
Well, presumably, if your game takes a linear route, with no backwards tracking, then it's just a case of predicting how strong your character gets per area, and then increasing the monster skill a-lá diablo. This might involve making several copies of the same NPC/monster, but it would be preferable to boredom.
Another method of course is changing the monsters in each area. It's likely that most monsters wouldn't inhabit the whole world, they'd be different nasties in each area (just as they're are different species in different locations in the real world). In my game, the first chapter involves you trying to escape from a governers palace. There wouldn't be mutants and boogie-men wandering around the closely gaurded hall-ways would there? Thus, I would make the palace guards (which you have to fight) an appropriate difficulty for the character at that level. The next chapter, will be in a nuclear waste land, so I'll make the mutants and general nasties that inhabit nuclear wastelands stronger than the palace guards. This system would mean throughout the game, most monster will be as strong (if not stronger) than you so each fight will be a game of skill.
Of course, there would be a way of scripting a skill increase for each monster as you gain levels. You can specify and event when you change levels, so you could set up an event tree that increase each monsters strengh, speed, agility etc by say 10% when you gained levels. However, this would be a lenghty event string if you had a lot of nasties (I plan on at least 50 basic types of monster, with 4 or 5 different breeds for each). In my game that would be at least 200 different NPC's that would need altering. Sure it would be a timely procedure and quite hard to test (there's no way of checking the monsters attributes in-game), but it would be very effective if it worked.
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"I don't know how radical you are or how radical I am. I am certainly not radical enough; that is, one must always try to be as radical as reality itself" - Lenin