Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Money system?

      With CS, can you have a more complicated money system, with more then one coin type (or bank note)? (eg: Say you didn't just want Lucads, but Sakends, Gatlkels, and Lucads)


      Redus, blueus, yellowus,

    • I bet you can. Even if Coldstone doesn't directly allow it, you could probably fake it. For example, you could just use global variables and assign each one to the proper currency of the main player. When they buy something use "if "statements to see if they have enough Lucads, or whatever.

      This is your first post, huh. Welcome to the boards, Greenus.

      (edited to add a greeting)

      I'm just your average run-of-the-mill demon possessed, bloodsucking, headhunting, cold-blooded, hot-headed, pyromaniac.
      My name is Legion, for we are many.

      (This message has been edited by spitfire (edited 10-18-2001).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by spitfire:
      **This is your first post, huh. Welcome to the boards, Greenus.

      Don't be to sure about that 😉

      Rod... oops Greenus

      Redus, blueus, yellowus,