While the FF6 system is marginally better than that of FF7 (since each character learns magic by spending time with the esper, rather than having the materia itself "learn" spells which are immediately and fully available to any random person who picks it up), it has similar problems. Under either of these systems, magic ceases to become "special." If any character can cast Ultima, summon Crusader or the Knights of the Round Table simply by equipping an Esper or socketing a materia, magic is just a tool. If anyone can easily learn to cast the most powerful spells in the game, there can be no such thing as an archmage.
Originally posted by ben1cohen:
...Another thing about this game is that magic has almost nothing whatsoever to do with class. The different characters each have a unique ability, but they all learn magic the same way. They also can only use the types of weapons that their class specializes in.
Exactly my point. When anyone can cast magic, everyone becomes of necessity a warrior of some sort who happens to also have magical abilities and maybe a special attack or two. Be honest, did you mostly use Edgar, Gogo, and Sabin (powerful warriors with really good special attacks) or, say, Relm and Mog (weaker fighters whose special attacks were less generally useful)? I thought so. By contrast, Strago couldn't fight worth anything either, but because he had Lores (a special magic system that only he could use), he was still a very useful character. This is what magic (and other special skills, for that matter) should do for your characters - make a character who lacks in hand-to-hand skills a nonetheless useful character.
Maybe I should put it this way: If there were no Espers in the game, which characters would you use? I'll bet the answers to this would be more diverse than if I had asked "Which characters do you normally use in FF6?" With no Espers, suddenly the characters with magic or magic-like abilities of their own (Terra, Celes, Strago, Gau) suddenly become that much more useful. But what if you have only one space left in your party? Do you choose Strago for his magic, or Edgar for his combat skills? Suddenly you have to make decisions! Espers made the characters less diverse in their skills and uses, and so, in my opinion, made the game that much less open-ended.
If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger? - T.H. Huxley
(This message has been edited by Glenn (edited 02-05-2001).)