How Do you Make Spikes that do not retract?
How Do you Make Spikes that do not retract?
I think you use the FG Tiles.
Don't take life too seriously, nobody gets out alive anyway.
Place retracting spikes onto the level and don´t edit the info fields.
The spikes will never retract.
"let´s not bicker about
who killed who!
This is supposed to be
a happy day."
Sparkaly Spikes?
Take a look at this (url="http://"")screenshot(/url). See how the spikes are sparkally? Does anyone know why? They are just normal FG tiles (set to 203 in the info fields).
(url="http://";=Burnum")Stephen(/url) ż' ((url="http://";=Burnum")The Burnum Man(/url))
Play Ferazel's Wand? (url="http://"")Download Equity Of Redemption!(/url) - A New Ferazel's Wand World
I don't know why the spikes sparkle. That happens on my level too. Try setting info (0) to 5. It worked on mine. How did you get that picture of the freaky-looking habnabit in there?
Spikes fom the FG tiles also have static. The other kind are okay. You can't chage level info (0) to 5 with FG tiles, so how do you fix it? What should be the correct # in the FG info box?
You need to change the LEVEL info, not the SPRITE info!
What # do I need to change in the level info?
I think that FG spikes, besides the floor spikes, were taken out of the game, and that's why you don't see spikes sparkle in Ben's levels. I challenge you to find a level in Ben's levels in which he bothered to define ceiling or wall spike FG tiles; in most levels, he omitted those entirely. He always uses retracting spikes sprites, with all infos = 0.
For retracting spikes:
INFO(0): Dunno. It always seems to = 0 in those I've seen.
INFO(1): How long spikes stay up, in ticks.
INFO(2): How long spikes stay down, in ticks.
Er...perhaps it is time to get rid of the electoral college. Or at least make Florida divvy up its votes. Anything that keeps Bush locked up in the Guv's mansion, out of trouble.
Sometimes the spikes aren't solid. (Ferazel can go through them)
How do I fix this?
I was a Habnabit for Halloween!
To see pictures, click (url="http://"")here(/url).
(url="http://"")Andrew's World(/url): Currently the largest set of Ferazel's Wand levels!
You're # in the FG tie window is probabally set to -1. Change it to the level #'s in Ben's Levels. I think it is 200, 201, and 203.
By the way, what's a tick?
Yes, I know about the FG definitions. The point I was making was that, in most post-cavern levels, ceiling and wall FG spikes are not even in the tileset at all , and that spike sprites should be used as an alternative. I think Ben dropped using FG spikes and went to retracting spike sprites (say that five thousand, six hundred and twenty-three times!).
A tick, I think, is a frame. A frame is 1/30 of a second.
Er...perhaps it is time to get rid of the electoral college. Or at least make Florida divvy up its votes. Anything that keeps Bush locked up in the Guv's mansion, out of trouble.
Originally posted by spamguy:
**A tick, I think, is a frame. A frame is 1/30 of a second.
Maybe in MASCOT.
In programming, it's 1/60th of a second.
BTW, the full name for a second is "second minute".
A minute in a minute part of an hour.
A second is an hour to the second order of minuteness.
Hence "second minute"
I was a Habnabit for Halloween!
To see pictures, click (url="http://"")here(/url).
(url="http://"")Andrew's World(/url): Currently the largest set of Ferazel's Wand levels!
Pretty sure Ben said 1/30.
Er...perhaps it is time to get rid of the electoral college. Or at least make Florida divvy up its votes. Anything that keeps Bush locked up in the Guv's mansion, out of trouble.
Originally posted by spamguy:
**I think Ben dropped using FG spikes and went to retracting spike sprites
In the Labyrinth(sp?) there are FG spikes. I think this is because the retracting spikes were too big and you would notice them if they were hidden(I hated that level!) Otherwise, use retracting spikes.
Don't take life too seriously, nobody gets out alive anyway.