First of all, I want to say that learning 3D modelling and animation requires a good chunk of talent and resources (time=money). You're also going to need some background as an aritst. If you've never drawn a human figure that you're happy with on paper, don't expect to start modelling characters that will astound everyone. When I started doing character modelling, I had to dig out some of my old anatomy reference books from art school, because I had forgotten a lot of the tricks for making people look right ("Drawing the Head and Figure" by Jack Hamm is still my most invaluable resource). Even then, some people simply will not be able to model well, just like I can't code in C or do Calculus, I just don't have the head for it.
At anyrate, for the persistent but poor (ok, "financially challenged") aritsts...
I'll go ahead and post the inevitable link to Strata ( (url="http://"") ). They have a free version, but expect limited features and support, and a very hard sell on the $500 or so full version. Also expect to be frustrated if you want to animate organic-looking things.
I'm assuming, of course, you want to animate your sprites. I could be wrong.
Now that MetaCreations is out of business, you can probably find copies of Ray Dream or Carrara for somewhat cheap. But remember that Carrara is still in Limbo and hasn't been picked up by another company yet. It may never be updated. Carrara has animation capabilities that are probably similar to what you would find in Strata free.
A quick search on versiontracker turned up the following (can you tell I can't get to sleep?):
Amapi 3D (
$399. Impressive stills, but animation seems limited to simple morph, rotate, and translate.
Amorphium (
$49.95. "Real-Time Modelling and Sculpting" Their site talks about all their spiffy modelling gizmos, but the only reference to animation I could find was in reference to tweaking type for nifty animated web graphics.
Art*Lanties Render (
(I couldn't find pricing info) Most of the stills are of architecture. I don't know about you, but I find architecture much less interesting than people. It seems animation is limited to camera movement.
Autodessys formZ (
(email for price) Geared towards architecural uses. Includes a "Drafting" module, like a CAD program.
Hash's Animation Master (
$299. My program of choice. Much of this program's power lies in it's re-usability and library systems. More on that later.
Infinity Model Builder ( http://www.french-to...cts/editing.cfm
Free. Oh wait, I take that back, it doesn't model, it only lets you edit DXF and 3DMF files for use with their Infinity 3D SDK game engine.
Meshwork (
$30. Lo-res models for Quake and the like. Looks promising for the price, it even includes bones! Modeller only, you'll still need POV-Ray to render and animate (ouch!).
Microspot 3D World (
$349. Gallery consists of mechanical objects. I'm assuming it's aimed at the CAD crowd.
NewTek Inspire 3D (
As of this writing, their website seems to be down.
NewTek Lightwave 3D (
Somewhere in the neighborhood of $3000. I've played with it once in a computer lab, and didn't figure much out.
Patchdance (
$25 - $55/70. Spline Modeller, still in Beta. Apparently can read/write Animation Master files. Very low system requirements. This one is also a modeller only, so you need POV-Ray or something to render with. Apparently uses the same modelling paradigm as Animation Master... so you could always upgrade later when you've outgrown it...
I don't think it offers a bone system though...
Pixels 3D Studio (
$499 - $899. Uses a patch-based (I'd assume spline, but the site also mentions NURBS...) modeller. It seems their shader unit and their particle system cost extra. Not much is mentioned about a Bones system or re-usable actions.
Poser ( http://www.curiousla...s/products.html
$234.95 at Once a Metacreations App. I've played with it, it's good for toying around with the stock characters, but the deformation mode seems counterintuitive and modelling your own clothes for characters requires another program, and even then it doesn't support dynamic cloth. Plenty of figures for download on the net, though...
POV-Ray (
Free. The eternal free renderer. You need something else to make models with, and I wouldn't exactly call this program intuitive.
Reelsmart Shade/Shape (
$89. Adds three-dee type effects to 2-D pictures. I think it's an AfterFX plugin, though.
Renderboy (
$25. Boolean Modeller. Whee. Great for Architecture and Spaceships.
SolidThinking (
$2495. Hefty price, but nice renderer, makes some pretty nature scenes, too. I wonder why I don't see any photorealistic people in their gallery...
Strata3D, I mentioned above.
Touch 3D ( http://www.algonet.s...ign/indexT.html
$325. CopyPaste from website: "Touch-3D v2.1, a program for 3D-modelling, concept design, industrial design, quick prototyping, mock-ups, scale models, physical renderings, production preparation, and unfolding/unwrapping."
So, if I were you, I'd check out Patchdance or Meshwork.
I've already typed up the sales pitch for Animation Master (oh, I love editing), so here it is...
One of the things I like about the $300 Animation Master is that I can re-use actions on multiple characters. Say I decide to add a spell halfway into production, SuperDeathSmite, and I need sprites for ten characters casting it.... since the animation is 3 seconds long, that's 90 frames per direction, 8 directions per character, times 10 characters is 7200 sprites. Might be kinda tedious to do by hand, and perhaps even be enough of a hassle to forget about it. But...
With AM I only have to create the animation once, and then I can re-use it on my other characters (takes about ten seconds), because they have the same bone structure. To my knowledge (which comes from Strata's website, correct me if I'm wrong), Strata doesn't even have a bone system, so if you want to animate a walk cycle, you'd need to move each part individually, and I doubt that your animation motions would be reusable from character to character.
If you think I'm biased, read the MacAddict review ( (url="http://"")http://www.macaddict...999_05_07.shtml(/url) ), for AM99 at that. "Serious character animation requires the kind of sophisticated tools that, on the Mac, you'll find only in Animation:Master 99. If character animation is what you do, this is the app to have... good news: Best Mac app available for character animation. Smart Skin, Pose Sliders, and five-point patches. New tools for layering Actions. Excellent tech support and rapid bug fixes. Ludicrously low price."
One of the things about 3-D programs, and modelling/texturing/rendering procedures in general, is that some things are good to render still frames with but suck at animation. Check out ( (url="http://"")http://membres.tripo...3d/digidoll.htm(/url) ), for example. An extordinary example of photorealism in 3D, but the artist admits that you can't change the lighting setup or even really look at the model from a different angle, much less animate with it.
I personally also don't find NURBS modelling very intuitive, but then again, I'm severly right-brained. Splines make lots of sense to me, just as polygons don't.
If you're only aiming for SNES Final Fantasy III/VI type graphics, you could probably just get away with doing them by hand (paper and scanning, a drawing app like Illustrator or Freehand, etc), but you're still going to need some artistic abilities.
Whee... that was a little longer than it probably should have been.
OK, time for everyone to give the sales pitch on their favorite programs... I think I can go to sleep now.
"insert signature here"
(This message has been edited by sanehatter (edited 01-04-2001).)