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      Mods, IRC, getting help, etc...

      FM: CENTCOM (122)
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      1. General Assistance

      1.1. Official Ambrosia Software F.A.Q.
      The official F.A.Q. for DEFCON can be found here:
      Should you have a question that is not answered in this thread, the Official F.A.Q. is the first place you should look. It addresses many common problems with regards to registering, setting up games, and basic gameplay.

      1.2. Montyphy's Unofficial DEFCON F.A.Q.
      A great deal of additional information about installing, playing, and troubleshooting DEFCON can be found here:
      This F.A.Q. was written for the Windows version of Defcon, but most of the information also pertains to the Mac version.

      1.3. Feature suggestions or requests
      If you have a feature suggestion or request, see the feature request section on the Introversion DEFCON board. Most features have already been suggested and shot down. DEFCON is a very simple game with a focus on a very specific area of combat. Most suggestions that change the fundamental game-play will most likely not be accepted. Other minor changes, such as to the layout and display have a much better chance.


      2.1. Can I use my Windows/Linux auth key with the Mac version DEFCON?
      No. If have have already purchased an authentication key for the Windows or Linux version of DEFCON, and wish to play the full version on your Mac, you will have to purchase an additional key from Ambrosia Software. If you attempt to use a Windows or Linux key with the Mac version, you will receive a "Wrong Platform" error, and be made to play the demo version.

      2.2. Can I use my Mac auth key with the Windows/Linux versions of DEFCON?
      No. This functionality has been removed for some time. You will need to purchase a separate key if you wish to play DEFCON on Windows/Linux.

      2.3. Why can't I use my Mac auth key with the Windows/Linux versions of DEFCON, and vice versa?
      This basically comes down to the contract between Ambrosia Software and Introversion. It is explained in detail by Ambrosia's MagnusApollo in another post.

      2.4. Can I play against Windows and Linux players?
      Yes. All three versions are compatible. Mac players can join Windows or Linux hosted games, and Windows and Linux players can join Mac hosted games.

      2.5. Can I play DEFCON over a LAN?
      Yes. However, the same restrictions that exist for internet games also apply to LAN games. That is, each client will need its own authentication key, or it will have to play the demo version. Don't worry, you can still exploit the fact that demo clients can join larger games, even if they cannot host them.

      2.6. Is an internet or network connection necessary to play DEFCON?
      No. While DEFCON is intended as a multiplayer game, single player games can be created with AI players. Also, the authentication keys have algorithmic properties that allow a client to be authorized even without an internet connection.

      2.7 How do I take a screenshot?
      Hit the letter (P). This will save a screenshot in your ~/Pictures/ directory.

      3. DEFCON Mods

      3.1. Are PC and Linux mods compatible with the OS X version of DEFCON?
      All mods (as of this writing) are cross-platform.

      3.2. Where can I get mods?
      A large and comprehensive list of Defcon mods can be found and downloaded here:
      Also check out:

      3.3. How do I install a mod?
      Once you've downloaded and de-zipped a mod, you need to put it in a folder called "mods" inside a folder called "DEFCON", inside your ~/Library/Application Support/

      You'll only need to create these folders once, and all Defcon mods will go into the "mods" folder after that to install. If you've already started up the game once, these folders are then created automatically.

      So all installed mods would be at ~/Library/Application Support/DEFCON/mods/<modname>

      3.4. That seems ridiculously simple. Is there more to it?
      Now that you've installed a mod, you need to activate it inside the game. Start up Defcon and from the main menu click the Mods button. Your currently installed mods should appear on a list. From there, select the mod you want activated and activate it.

      Now you've successfully installed and activated a mod.

      3.5. Where are mods kept?
      ~/Library/Application Support/DEFCON/mods/
      More information on mods can be found above. Please note that you will have to create this directory yourself before you can install any mods if the directory is not created already for you (it is created the first time you start up the game).

      3.6. Where are moddable files kept?
      The files that can be changed by mods are kept in the application bundle. It is unwise to change these files directly. Instead, create a new mod in your mods/ directory by creating a new sub-directory for your mod, then copy the files that you wish to modify from the application bundle.

      4. DEFCON IRC

      So here you are, knee-deep in the middle of nuclear combat and the sky's fallin, everything's coming down around you. There's not a lot of time left. Never fear, the Ambrosia IRC server is here to help!

      In a nutshell, IRC is a simple Instant Message protocol that's older than dirt. However, it's still relevant in this day and age. The folks at Ambrosia have been operating an IRC server for some years now. All the cool people are using it.

      Anyways, using IRC is fairly simple. First off, you'll need a client. Wikipedia has a nice long list of clients, but the three most commonly used (that I hear about anyways) are ircle, Colloquy, and X-Chat Aqua.
      So you've downloaded and installed your client. Now it's time to connect. Open your client and disregard any of the windows that pop up. Find the text box at the bottom of the window and type in

      /server 6667

      A bunch of text should show up in the window. This is the "MOTD" or the message of the day. It's a good idea to read this if it's your first time on IRC. There's all kinds of useful info in there about IRC.

      /join #defcon

      and you're done. You've now joined the channel and you're ready to go. Someone should say hi to you. There's a very good chance that one of the forum mods will be there. If I'm online, I'll be under the name "cia_man". Feel free to poke me or anyone else if you need any help. Also feel free to contact the other mods - Mack, mrxak, or xander.

      5. Disclaimers

      5.1. Classification
      This document is classified TOP SECRET. Sharing information found in this document with enemy agents is an act of treason, punishable by death. All information herein is subject to change without notice. All individuals handling this information are required to protect it from unauthorized disclosure in the interest of the intellectual security of this forum.

      Handling, storage, reproduction and disposition of the attached document must be in accordance with applicable senior staff orders, statutes and company implementing regulations.

      5.2. Amending this Document
      This document can be amended by PMing one of the forum mods (Mackilroy, mrxak, nfreader, or darwinian), or by poking one of us on IRC.

      This post has been edited by darwinian : 06 August 2007 - 05:10 PM
      Reason for edit: section 2.3 added

    • Added section 1.3 - Feature requests and suggestions

    • Edited section 2.2 - Keys are no longer portable across OSes.