Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Global Thermonuclear War

      11 22 2814

      Game 32 signup


      It's been a while since we've had a game of GTW. If you're really interested, and you've got some time available to play a game, sign up here.

      I'll try to make as interesting a game as I can, but it's been a while since I've hosted. I've posted the current rules below, and will revise if anyone sees any major problems.

      GTW Game Rules

      1. You must post at least once per day, just to show you're really paying attention to the topic. Posts containing more than just 'I'm here,' are preferred. If, after two consecutive rounds of you having not posted or PMed me with a valid reason (similar to the ones I listed in Rule 3) you'll be booted from the game.

      2. I will not tell you the roles of people when they die, with the exception of the Satellite Master.

      3. Each round will last 48 hours, excepting extenuating circumstances such as me having no access to a computer (unlikely), me being in the hospital (also unlikely), or me dying (extremely unlikely - I hope).

      4. If there is a tie, those who tied will be go into an extended round of at least 24 hours, extended to 48 if I deem it necessary, until someone obtains the maximum number of votes.

      5. If you abstain, I'm counting that as a vote for yourself. If you abstain twice, well, God help you in that case. I won't kick you out of the game, but if you do it a third time, you're gone.

      6. If you have a special role, you must PM me before I end a round or you will not be able to use your ability. No ifs, buts, candy or nuts.

      FYI : In this game, some roles have been renamed. I will not list all of the roles here, to avoid giving them away, but of the ones we've seen most often I will list this game's equivalents:

      Terrorist - Dictator
      Intelligence Agent - Satellite Master
      SDI - ABM Commander
      Innocent - Council Member

      I have one other role I'm keeping in reserve. It's been used before, but to my knowledge only once. After a round or two what it is will become clear enough.

    • I'm in. Let's rock this place!


    • JacaByte

    • JacaByte

    • JacaByte

    • JacaByte

      Lets make this one ridiculous (in a good way).

    • I should note that if it turns out that we have more roles than people, I can easily drop everything besides the dictators. 🙂

    • GutlessWonder

    • I'm almost in exams. I'll have to sit out.

    • Entering a hell week of tests and papers due, so I will sit this game out.

    • A small game could be nice. We could have just one bad guy.

    • I'll start this game no later than Sunday, November 9, probably around 3:00 PM CST, or 9:00 GMT.

    • Sucks to be the bad guy...

    • Realistically, a game this small the bad guy has a pretty significant advantage.

    • Would you guys rather start now or wait? I'm ready either way, I just wanted to see if any more people would show up.

    • Let's wait a bit more; my school just started a large project, so Sunday would be the optimal time to start the game.

    • Looks like you could use a few more players.


    • Heh, thanks.

      Alright, signups are closed. I'll start the game tomorrow sometime between 3:00 PM CST and 5:30 CST.

    • Uh, Mack? You gonna start the game?

    • Haha, sorry, I completely forgot. Stupid me. I'll start it in maybe half an hour or so.