Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • GTW Game 29

      11 99 14168

      innocents win

      All the world's a stage,
      And all the men and women merely players:
      They have their exits and their entrances;
      And one man in his time plays many parts

      Eugene Chin
      RJC Ultra

      _These are our players, and in this play there are three roles.

      "Greetings humans!" mrxak exclaims, and a few of the UN security council delegates feel a wave of intense deja vu. Those who didn't were asleep, but the commotion wakes them up.

      "Wha? I wasn't asleep!" orcaloverbri9 insists.

      "Sure you weren't, me neither," Rebelious says as he looks around, rubbing his eyes.

      "Haha, guys," Eugene Chin mocks them, nudging jrsh92 beside him. "Apparently some people were napping."

      "Yeah, but... anybody feel like we already did this?" Mackilroy asks.

      "No, not at all," Shlimazel says, shaking his head.

      "I feel like we did this before too," RJC Ultra says.

      "Everybody shut up!" mrxak screams. "I'm trying to tell you something important!"

      The delegates promptly stop talking, and look up at mrxak at the podium. The first order of business, they see, is for mrxak to make a few balloon animals. They wait patiently. When he's finished, he addresses the delegates again.

      "Hello my pretty friends! I've called you all here today for this happy emergency session to discuss the nukes!"

      "What nukes?" SoItBegins asks.

      "Wonderful happy fun nukes!" mrxak says. "But oh no, they're going to kill us all!"

      "EEK!" Templar98921 exclaims.

      "Indeed. You see my beautiful friends, we have to stop whoever it is that's going to kill us with the nukes. You're all gonna vote and then we'll kill whoever you vote for. As soon as you finish killing everyone, I mean the bad guys, we can all go have a happy fun time free from worry. Yay!"

      "Yay!" the delegates cheer.

      "Yay!" mrxak cheers. "But of course, it won't be so easy, because they're going to kill somebody every two days."

      "Oh no!" the delegates all yell.

      "But don't worry, my little friends, somebody's probably trying to figure it all out in super duper secret. Maybe they'll be able to learn who the bad guys are and convince people to vote for them!"

      "Yay!" the delegates all cheer again.

      "Now, Speedy the Turtle here will keep order. And Mr. Doggy's going to keep the tally of the votes. Just whatever you do, don't listen to Mr. Fishie. He tells only lies! Get voting now, you have 48 hours to go until the nukes explode and kill one of us! Well, I gotta go back to my perfectly legitimate balloon animals for war orphans business. I should get lunch first though, nothing quite like helping orphans to make you hungry!"

      The delegates watch mrxak exit the room, and then quickly get to accusing one another._

      Okay, this will be a typical mrxak game. You have 48 hours to vote, and rogue members will need to PM me by the end of voting. I will close voting after the 48 hours are up, then type up an end of the round post as quickly as possible so you know who the bad guys killed, as well as send out a PM to the intelligence agent. If you don't vote for two rounds, you will be eliminated automatically.

      Only bolded, valid votes will be counted, and the current vote tallies will be posted at random intervals during the active phase. It is your responsibility to correct any inaccuracies in these tallies, as each tally is considered official, and no posts prior to the tally post will be read again to make sure. If you wish to retract or change your vote, please edit your post and replace the ( b ) tags with ( spoiler ) tags, thereby allowing everyone to see your previous vote, but removing it from sight so it is not mistakenly counted.

      If you are killed, you are allowed only one post. The post's content may contain farewells, vows of revenge, or descriptions of your favorite food. The post's content may not contain suggestions or game information, complaints about rules, or pleas of any sort. If you desire to discuss the game in a way that will not spoil it for others, you may make a new topic, but please realize that death in the game is a removal from play, and you are not allowed to try to influence the game any further. Violations will be deleted immediately.

      Ties will result in no vote-off deaths, in effect, giving the terrorists a free kill. Ties are therefore not an optimal voting strategy for innocent players. Ties will not result in any round extensions.

      PMs are strongly discouraged. I have no way of enforcing this rule, but I do urge you to understand that the game is balanced for people not PMing each other, except where their role specifically requires it, such as with terrorists deciding on a kill in the inactive phase. When you play Mafia in real life, remember that you do not have a chance to discuss things privately during a game. If I learn of any violations, you may expect to lose your special role, be ejected from the game, or any other consequence I come up with. Discussion outside of this topic is allowed only on the #gtw channel on, in relative public. I ask that any such conversation does not reveal your own role. For example, saying that you are the Intelligence Agent and you just investigated the person you are talking to would be a violation. Telling the person that you believe they are innocent, and suggest they vote out somebody would not be a violation.

      The game will end if all terrorists are eliminated, or all but the terrorists are eliminated. Should it occur by various means (for example, somebody doesn't vote in the last two rounds of the game and is eliminated) that none survive, the winning side will be determined by whoever remained standing most recently, the order of which is determined of course by the times at which people die at the beginning and end of each inactive phase. Should the motto of Defcon be the result of the game, whoever died last would be the winner.

      If there are any unforeseen issues, I will make the final decision.

      There are no new roles in this game, and I will reveal roles upon player death. I have sent out PMs to special roles only. If you did not get a PM, you are an innocent delegate.
      "What's the final tally?"
      "We managed to pull back 6 of them, plus MRX200. We got another 3 volunteers as well. I can't believe we're still alive ourselves."
      "Well, we got lucky. A lot of others weren't so lucky. They died to save us, save this mission. How's the reboot process going?"
      "Slow, a few systems were shot up pretty badly, but I salvaged enough of it. Obviously we can't support as many of them."
      "Only one of them matters. We were close last time. Bring him back up to 96% as soon as the diagnostic is finished. Bring down his pain meds too. Immediately."
      "Y-yes doctor."

    • Woot! Sounds fun!

      Also, bagels. 😛

    • To get things started, and because he posted first, Rebelious. Not that I expect him to be evil or anything. 🙂 (retracted)

    • Round One Votes
      Eugene Chin -
      jrsh92 -
      Mackilroy - Rebelious
      orcaloverbri9 -
      Rebelious -
      RJC Ultra -
      SoItBegins -
      Shlimazel -
      Templar98921 -

      I'm sure Eugene Chin will post a vote table showing more clearly who has how many votes against them and who's voting for them, but that's really too much work for me to do :p.

    • Voting for



      until he shows up.

      Just to get it started 😉

      This post has been edited by Rebelious : 17 August 2008 - 01:32 PM

    • ...again? It's not going to end in another scene of horrific beach volleyball, is it?

      After looking at the last page of Game 11, I have determined that, in that game, Eugene Chin was eeeevil. Since we're rehashing the same territory... well, have at you! :p  
      EDIT: Vote **retracted**.   
      This post has been edited by **SoItBegins** : 17 August 2008 - 01:25 PM 
    • @mrxak, on Aug 17 2008, 01:34 AM, said in GTW Game 29:

      I'm sure Eugene Chin will post a vote table showing more clearly who has how many votes against them and who's voting for them, but that's really too much work for me to do :p.

      Only a Dark Lord of the Sloth like yourself would think that way.

      @soitbegins, on Aug 17 2008, 04:42 AM, said in GTW Game 29:

      After looking at the last page of Game 11, I have determined that, in that game, Eugene Chin was eeeevil. Since we're rehashing the same territory... well, have at you! 😛

      The territory we're rehashing is Game 24, and I was Innocent there.

      If I were going to take blind shots in the dark, I'd start by assuming mrxak did not choose roles randomly, and try to second-guess him.

      SoItBegins was evil for both of the past two games. While unlikely on a probabilistic analysis, I would not put it past mrxak to go for the "Rule of Three" and tap him again.

      jrsh92 and Templar98921 were both evil in mrxak's last game. While also unlikely under probability, again I list them on the chance mrxak chose this game to try and sneak crap past us.

      I'm looking at Mackilroy as I say that.

      However, in addition to the previous conjecture, SoItBegins seems to have developed an unnatural desire to knock me out of every game recently. For my own defense, I have no choice but to nominate



      for immediate destruction.

      Y'wanna throw mud, yer' gonna get dirty.:p

      Vote Tally:
      Rebelious: (1)

      Shlimazel: (1)

      Eugene Chin: (1)

      SoItBegins: (1)
      Eugene Chin

      No Vote: (5)
      RJC Ultra

      This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 17 August 2008 - 06:39 PM

    • @mackilroy, on Aug 17 2008, 06:40 AM, said in GTW Game 29:

      To get things started, and because he posted first, Rebelious. Not that I expect him to be evil or anything. 🙂

      Ah well, you need to vote somebody , right?


    • Spoiler


      has a tradition of dying the first round of the game for no real reason. We wouldn't want to mess up tradition would we? Gotta be traditional.

      This post has been edited by jrsh92 : 18 August 2008 - 03:47 PM

    • Round One Votes
      Eugene Chin - SoItBegins
      jrsh92 - SoItBegins
      Mackilroy - Rebelious
      orcaloverbri9 -
      Rebelious - Shlimazel
      RJC Ultra - Mackilroy
      SoItBegins - Eugene Chin
      Shlimazel -
      Templar98921 -

      For the record, I don't pay any attention to games I'm not involved in, so thinking I'm doing some kind of pattern based on the last couple games is silly :p.

      Also for the record, this game indeed is related to Game 11. But again, making any kind of assumptions based on 24 or 11 will not help you. The relation to those games is purely for story reasons.
      "Okay, the system is fully functional."
      "Ease it back up to 96%. In a few minutes bring it up to 97%."
      "He's in pain."
      "Good. We need to stress him."

    • I change my vote to Shlimazel, mostly to ensure my survival.

      EDIT: Retracted again. Why does everybody have it in for me?!

      This post has been edited by SoItBegins : 17 August 2008 - 01:37 PM

    • Hmm. It appears that I must vote retracted if I want to live. And I'd kind of like that, yeah.

      This post has been edited by Shlimazel : 17 August 2008 - 02:58 PM

    • I'm going for



      now for self-defense. If nobody else votes, I'll retract my vote to break the tie.

      This post has been edited by Rebelious : 17 August 2008 - 03:00 PM

    • I'm changing my vote to Jrsh92 for his completely unwarranted vote against SiB. Sure, SiB is annoying and n00bish, but that's hardly reason to vote him out in the very first round. (retracted)

    • I will withdraw my self defense vote, since I'm no longer in danger.

    • I retract my vote again, and follow Mackilroy (yes, I'm bandwagoning - kill me for it) and go for




      This post has been edited by Rebelious : 17 August 2008 - 07:13 PM

    • Current votes


      Eugene Chin

      RJC Ultra

      No Vote

    • At least we have a day to break the tie...

    • Round One Votes
      Eugene Chin - SoItBegins
      jrsh92 - SoItBegins
      Mackilroy - jrsh92
      orcaloverbri9 -
      Rebelious - jrsh92
      RJC Ultra - Mackilroy
      SoItBegins - Shlimazel
      Shlimazel -
      Templar98921 -

      Oh, and I just realized that this round will end tomorrow, which is my birthday. The odds of me actually ending the round on time is therefore slim. So if the round ends 12 hours or a day late, please be patient, and I'll extend the next round accordingly so there's enough time for round two voting.

    • Oy! mrxak! I have retracted my vote for Shlimazel.