Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Global Thermonuclear War XXI

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      20th anniversary commemorative game

      _darth_vader mounts the podium at the United Nations meeting chamber. He raises his arms and smiles magnanimously as he turns slowly to survey the 17 delegates seated before him.

      "Welcome! Welcome, one and all, to the 20th Anniversary Commemorative--"

      Suddenly, an explosion rocks the chamber. The delegates are thrown to the floor. Everyone rises in time to see the main display flicker on. A shadowy figure glares at the delegates from the screen. It speaks in a digitally distorted voice:
      "Two of your members lie dead, and the nations they represented have been destroyed with nuclear fire! We will kill another one of you every night unless you surrender to us now!"

      darth leans shakily against a table. "The free world will never surrender to terrorists like you!" he shouts. The voice chuckles, a fuzzy squeal of feedback. "Very well, you have made your choice. But know this: there are traitors in this very room, working for me. They will make sure you all die." The screen shuts off. Rescue workers pour in and carry the bodies of Jacabyte and mrxak out of the rubble.

      The delegates meet in another chamber and unanimously decide not to surrender. In order to find the traitors, a vote will be held every day, and at the end of that day, the selected person will be executed. Their country will then be invaded and searched for evidence of their guilt. An atmosphere of nervousness and fear permeates the first meeting..._

      The players:

      Eugene Chin
      RJC ultra

      There are the terrorists, of course, and some other special roles. I'm doing things a bit differently than in the past, I hope it works out well. The PMs you have received should detail how your role works. PM me if you have any questions. I need PMs from two people quite soon. Good luck to all, it should cancel out.

      Edit: This is posted late due to IPS driver errors. This round will last until 2:00 PM CST (20:00 GMT) on Saturday. Subsequent rounds will also be 48 hours unless that proves too short.

      This post has been edited by darth_vader : 20 March 2008 - 02:07 PM

    • Allright! Let's spin the SoItBegins Random Roulette Wheel of Life, Death, and Family Fun Powered by Monkeys!

      Aaand the winner is...


    • SoItBegins
      No random voting.

    • It's been nearly an hour and a half and so little machination?

      Of course, we have SoItBegins here who spins his little wheel. I don't like that wheel, so he's it.

      EDIT: whoa, jrsh92, get out of my head. I'd left with no other replies besides SIB's and then when I get back you steal mine without even knowing.

      scratches forehead

    • Let's have some more scheming, guys.

    • As per my nation's customs I will Abstain until someone becomes worthy of suspicion.

    • I'll vote for prophile for trying to knock my name off the list at signup. I have no other reasons for voting for him other than that action and I need someone to vote for without just making a completely random vote.

    • Obligatory first round vote with little sense: Manta for spuriously voting for prophile.

    • I'll vote for the new guy. Knickmeister

      This post has been edited by Hypochondriac : 21 March 2008 - 08:18 AM

    • @hypochondriac, on Mar 20 2008, 09:16 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War XXI:

      I'll vote for the new guy. kickmeister

      Bold your votes, please.

    • @hypochondriac, on Mar 20 2008, 10:16 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War XXI:

      I'll vote for the new guy. kickmeister


      kickme isn't new.

      (EDIT) Doh! Just took another look at the player list. It's K/n/ickmeister, with an "N," Hypo.
      If the player list is supposed to be in alphabetical order, why is Knickmeister so far away from kickme? FluffyWithTeeth's name is also out of place.

      (EDITx2) Lemme rearrange this, just for my convenience:

      Eugene Chin
      RJC Ultra

      This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 20 March 2008 - 09:36 PM

    • They are out of order because THEY ARE WOOFS!


    • Just so you know, the random numbers for my wheel are generated from a complex method involving 3 complex pseudorandom numbers which are used (along with my current pocket change) to generate a random number from the digits of Pi. I'm not kidding.

    • I'm going to abstain until there's more information available.

    • I vote Manta in self-defence.

    • Abstaining seems to be the sensible course of action in the first round.
      Edit: Bolding

      This post has been edited by egroeg : 21 March 2008 - 11:53 AM

    • @darth_vader, on Mar 20 2008, 10:26 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War XXI:

      Bold your votes, please.


    • I'll jump on the abstain bandwagon for now.

      This post has been edited by RJC Ultra : 21 March 2008 - 01:22 PM

    • Oh, I forgot to mention:

      Always remember: the pig is watching you.

      Posted Image

    • I feel like I should be voting for RJC_ultra for bandwagoning... I don't think so overall though. I'm too lazy to change my vote.