Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • The Pub on the 5th Floor

      9 17 4015

      BEWARE! Haunted

      Welcome to the Pub on the 5th Floor! Here, GTW ghosts can sit back, relax, and get drinks.

      On tap we have pretty much every drink in the known universe. Pinball machines and other arcade games are over there in the corner. If you wish to haunt the ambassadors, there's the elevator-- I'm pretty sure I have some portentious-looking stuff (you know, fog machines, hologram projectors, as well as the classic sheet) over in that closet. Also, don't tell the ambassadors, but before I died I installed a powerful 3D sound system in the conference room.

      Any and all other amenities can be generated as necessary, so sit back, relax, have fun, and (if you so choose) happy haunting!

    • Don't get too comfortable, this topic will be closing as soon as the game ends.

    • No offense, but why not keep it open, since our games are becoming larger, and yeah, less for the dead to do. It could be like that one in SketchFighter, that at the end of the world thingy.

      Also, I claim my right to post here since I've been dead before. And I came up with the name.

    • It's a spam topic, with no relation to Defcon. If you want a bar, there are other forums that allow them.

    • The dead shouldn't be talking about the current game however, since they aren't allowed to affect it anymore.

    • That was a mighty fine pan-galactic gargle blaster SoItBegins. So what do you think of your lynching?

    • @mrxak, on Feb 21 2008, 12:29 AM, said in The Pub on the 5th Floor:

      Don't get too comfortable, this topic will be closing as soon as the game ends.

      @mrxak, on Feb 21 2008, 07:03 AM, said in The Pub on the 5th Floor:

      It's a spam topic, with no relation to Defcon. If you want a bar, there are other forums that allow them.

      Spoilsport. I was hoping to make it a sort of unofficial DEFCON 'bar' topic.

      @lemonyscapegoat, on Feb 21 2008, 08:16 AM, said in The Pub on the 5th Floor:

      That was a mighty fine pan-galactic gargle blaster SoItBegins. So what do you think of your lynching?

      Well, I can only say this: I told them, but they wouldn't listen. So who do you think are the terrorists?

    • Sorry, SoItBegins, but as mrxak said, we've got plenty of bar topics. And we've already got a discussion topic for Defcon as well. This one is... superfluous. 😉

      If you're dead, go to the GTW discussion topic and dream up ideas for the next rounds that the hosts might use.

    • @mackilroy, on Feb 21 2008, 09:19 AM, said in The Pub on the 5th Floor:

      Sorry, SoItBegins, but as mrxak said, we've got plenty of bar topics. And we've already got a discussion topic for Defcon as well. This one is... superfluous. 😉

      If you're dead, go to the GTW discussion topic and dream up ideas for the next rounds that the hosts might use.

      But haunting the ambassadors is just so much fuuuun! 😞

    • Look, when I'm dead, I'll host a separate game, to keep the non-living busy.

    • Just so we are clear, I am inclined to agree with mrxak and Mackilroy. While you won't find me locking the topic (I don't care that much), I see no reason for this topic to exist. It is not DEFCON related, and there are plenty of other bars on the ASW boards. If you really want to discuss GTW, there is an IRC channel for it, as well as the future GTW games topic.


    • Actually, the IRC channel is currently op-less. So as soon as MRXAK COMES BACK FROM WHEREEVER HE IS AND CYCLES THE CHANNEL we can get that under way.

    • @nfreader, on Feb 21 2008, 04:59 PM, said in The Pub on the 5th Floor:

      Actually, the IRC channel is currently op-less. So as soon as MRXAK COMES BACK FROM WHEREEVER HE IS AND CYCLES THE CHANNEL we can get that under way.

      Actually, xander is the owner of the channel, and he's the only one that can get or give ops, a cycle would do nothing.

    • Yo, folks, I need something for my nerves. How about some bacon strips?

    • /me gets some bacon for Shlimazel.

    • Do we also get free beershowers in here?

    • You know, if the dead can't restrict themselves to this topic, I'm just gonna close it down now. Stop posting in the game topic if you've been killed.