Does F.A.T.E. give me permission to spin the SoItBegins Random Roulette Wheel of Life, Death, and Not Being Able to Spin It Myself?
RJC Ultra: Yes, you may.
Everyone is being so circumspect. Prophile strikes me as just a tad suspicious.
@soitbegins, on Jan 21 2008, 06:00 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War, Game XVII:
RJC Ultra: Yes, you may.
Allright then...
Let's spin the SoItBegins Random Roulette Wheel of Life, Death, and Not Being Able to Spin It Myself!
And the winner is...
EDIT: Sorry, I can't spell.
This post has been edited by RJC Ultra : 21 January 2008 - 02:05 PM
See? I've created a fad!
Attention: The round ends in 12 hours.
Anon , Buffalo the Kid , Eugene Chin and kickme have yet to vote, and 1Eevee1 has abstained.
If you are a terrorist or IA, please be aware that you will need to have PMd me by this time. I will PM you if you have a special role that requires me to do so.
This post has been edited by SoItBegins : 21 January 2008 - 05:08 PM
Why does the IA have to send a PM? Are you allowing them to investigate in the first round
I'd like to appeal to those who have bandwagonned on me to recognize their actions as such. I guarantee you I will not be dying this round, please do not waste your votes and force other people to waste their abilities. Instead vote against those who have proven all-too-willing to jump on somebody for no reason other than the fact that I made myself available as an easy target by voting first.
Those with special abilities PM the host with a name or some sort of other action, which results in either knowledge being dispensed after the votes have been finalized, or some sort of action during the night phase. Nobody's getting special information while votes are still being cast in this round.
Buffalo The Kid-
darth_vader- prophile
Eugene Chin-
GutlessWonder- JacaByte
Hypochondriac- mrxak
JacaByte- Hypochondriac
Manta- Jacabyte
mrxak- Hypochondriac
prophile- mrxak
RJC Ultra- GutlessWonder
Shlimazel - mrxak -
Using my awesome random scrolling skills, I came up with Eugene Chin. I don't think you will be lynched, but sorry anyways.
Edit: Forgot to bold.
This post has been edited by Buffalo the Kid : 21 January 2008 - 06:03 PM
SIB specified that abstentions would result in
Automatically Generated Genocidal Random Attack Vote Activation Template Instituted Nuclear Guesswork
(A.G.G.R.A.V.A.T.I.N.G.).I'm going to say kickme, simply because no one else has (i.e. It won't actually hurt him), and because A.G.G.R.A.V.A.T.I.N.G. might turn my vote in some unwanted direction if I don't.
(EDIT) Basically the same reason Buffalo seems to be voting for me, but aimed in a different direction.
This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 21 January 2008 - 06:42 PM
Who said anything about it being aggravating?
This post has been edited by SoItBegins : 21 January 2008 - 06:41 PM
No, no, no.
Not aggravating.
Automatically Generated Genocidal Random Attack Vote Activation Template Instituted Nuclear Guesswork
(A.G.G.R.A.V.A.T.I.N.G.).Basically, I wanted to come up with a funny acronym that described the Automatic Voting. Once I had an idea about what I could make that acronym look like, that's what I started working towards.
No part of this acronym is factually wrong.
The votes would be A utomatically G enerated, yes? (A.G.)
They'd yield G enocidal results, yes? (A.G.G.)
They'd be R andom A ttack V otes, yes? (A.G.G.R.A.V.)
They'd be A ctivated when we didn't activate them ourselves, yes? (A.G.G.R.A.V.A.)
They apply to all players (A T emplate), and were I nstituted by you, yes? (A.G.G.R.A.V.A.T.I.)And everything we do in GTW Games boils down to N uclear G uesswork.
This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 21 January 2008 - 06:57 PM
@rjc-ultra, on Jan 21 2008, 01:04 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War, Game XVII:
Allright then...
Let's spin the SoItBegins Random Roulette Wheel of Life, Death, and Not Being Able to Spin It Myself!
Since I can't vote for SoItBegins, I'll vote for the person using his method. RJC Ultra
Until I see otherwise, I don't think mrxak should be destroyed. (as always, this is a "yet" statement). In an effort to prevent his death, I am switching my vote to Hypochondriac
Looks like me and mrxak are tied for destruction. I was considering switching my vote just in case mrxak was the IA, but if I do I die
so keeping it there