Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Global Thermonuclear War

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      Round XV (the game)

      We're doing things a little different this time. Hope you don't mind.

      This time around it's the North vs. the South - a sort of resurgent US civil war, if you will. Only this time, we have nuclear weapons, and there are traitors on both sides. These people want to destroy everyone, and they don't care what the cost is.

      The game has two parts - both running simultaneously:

      Part I: both the North and the South want to kill the traitors, as the traitors want to kill them.
      Part II: the North and the South also want to kill each other.

      To win, you must kill not only the dictators but also the opposing side. Of course, if they kill all of you, they win. 🙂 So, your choice is to vote for one of the other bloc, or to vote for a traitor. Which will you pick?

      Anon - Illinois
      darth_vader - New York
      1Eevee1 - South Carolina
      Eugene Chin - Pennsylvania
      kickme - Texas
      Manta - Mississippi
      RJC Ultra - Maryland
      SoItBegins - Louisiana

      (note: this is the first time I've tried running the game like this. If this doesn't work out, I'll scrap the idea and won't use it again)

    • ...Er... no offense but coming from Australia, the only thing I know about America is that California and Texas are in the north.

      Care if you, y'know, point out which ones are which?

    • All-righty then! Let's spin the SoItBegins Random Roulette Wheel of Life, Death, and Civil War Politics!

      And the winner is... Anon!

    • P.S: For all of those who didn't take US Geography:

      Illinois = North
      New York = North
      Pennsylvania = North
      Maryland = North
      South Carolina = South
      Texas = South
      Mississippi = South
      Louisiana = South

    • @soitbegins, on Dec 21 2007, 12:17 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:

      P.S: For all of those who didn't take US Geography:

      Illinois = North
      New York = North
      Pennsylvania = North
      Maryland = North
      South Carolina = South
      Texas = South
      Mississippi = South
      Louisiana = South

      head bang on desk

      Okay, er... Anon as well. Because one set of nukes is never enough. And that if we nuke Illinois enough, we could blow it to the south.

      This post has been edited by 1Eevee1 : 20 December 2007 - 10:15 PM

    • Seeing as there is no good way to vote no lynch because of obvious northern targets and my fellow southerners are already voting Anon , I see no reason not to take him out.

      P.S. 1Eevee1, please bold your vote.

    • @1eevee1, on Dec 20 2007, 08:53 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:

      head bang on desk

      Okay, er... Anon as well. Because one set of nukes is never enough. And that if we nuke Illinois enough, we could blow it to the south.

      Also, California is in the West, not the North, though it was Union during the Civil War.

      Edit: almost forgot: SoItBegins. Because no way are we having a northern casualty the first round. Also, the anti-Anon bandwagon is pretty damn suspicious, especially since it seems to have been started by a completely random vote.

      This post has been edited by darth_vader : 20 December 2007 - 10:21 PM

    • Quite honestly, I never really expected to start a bandwagon at all-- I vote randomly in the first round of every game. Normally, everyone ignores it (except Anon, who's promised to always vote against me if I do this) and goes about their business. I guess it just didn't happen that way this time...

    • SoItBegins , even though I don't really think his vote was random.

    • Heh, I already know who the traitors are. But anyway, I'm rooting for the North. Billy Yank will kick Johnny Reb's ass.

    • @darth_vader, on Dec 21 2007, 12:50 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:

      Also, California is in the West, not the North, though it was Union during the Civil War.

      Edit: almost forgot: SoItBegins. Because no way are we having a northern casualty the first round. Also, the anti-Anon bandwagon is pretty damn suspicious, especially since it seems to have been started by a completely random vote.

      Darth... we're Southerners, you guys are Northerners. If we kill the north, we at least get 1 terrorist.

    • Let's obliterate the South.

      Vote: SoItBegins

    • @1eevee1, on Dec 21 2007, 09:26 AM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:

      Darth... we're Southerners, you guys are Northerners. If we kill the north, we at least get 1 terrorist.

      If the vote kills one Northerner every round, and the Southern Traitor kills one southerner every round, by the time the North is wiped out, the South looses too.

      Unless, of course, your game plan is to support your local terrorist on the theory that, if he wins, the South wins through him in spirit.

      Since I hate having to reference the first post to see who's on what side everytime somebody votes:

      Anon - Illinois
      darth_vader - New York
      Eugene Chin - Pennsylvania
      RJC Ultra - Maryland

      1Eevee1 - South Carolina
      kickme - Texas
      Manta - Mississippi
      SoItBegins - Louisiana

      This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 21 December 2007 - 08:32 AM

    • Hey, waitaminute.

      Weren't there posts by prophile and mrxak here just a minute ago?

    • There were, but I deleted them because prophile and mrxak aren't playing.

    • Ah. So I wasn't hallucinating that.

      Seeing as the targets have already been defined, and that there's no real impetus to withhold my vote, or for me to vote for Anon, SoItBegins.

      The Civil-War angle is a unique twist, but it polarizes along completely predictable lines. The Southerners don't want one of their own to be the first victim, and the Northerners don't want one of their own to be the first.

      I can, with high confidence, predict that kickme will vote Anon when he gets online.

      So, Mack.

      How do you plan to handle ties?

    • I haven't figured that out yet. 😉 But don't forget, even if you kill the other side, you still have to get the dictator, or you still lose.

      But to give myself a bit of extra time, and because of when this round started, it will run until Sunday, 2 PM CST. Unless I don't get home by then, in which case it will end whenever I get home.

    • Death to the North! And Anon

    • ... And if we kill the dictators quickly, the North still has to kill the south. Right.

    • @eugene-chin, on Dec 21 2007, 05:09 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:

      ... And if we kill the dictators quickly, the North still has to lose to the South. Right.


      This post has been edited by Manta : 21 December 2007 - 06:12 PM