@eugene-chin, on Nov 10 2007, 02:47 AM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:
I did what I did because I believed SoItBegins to be deceiving me.
It seems our Dictators believed him more than I did.
It also strikes me that you, mrxak, seem to have always believed SoItBegins' PM to be genuine from the very beginning of this fiasco.
Tell me, mrxak, what is it that locked it in as truth for you so early? Was it the fact that your partner suggested to kill SoItBegins, or that he didn't disagree?
I see no more reason to hide the nature of my role in this game.
I am the Takedown. I can Takedown another player with me when I die, mechanically identical to your own Very Rich, Very Paranoid Man from last game.
Even before Round 1 had ended I had decided that, if SoItBegins Actually Was Night Killed, I would be aiming my cadaver at you mrxak.
Mackilroy has already received a PM to this effect.
I already suspected you, before this SoItBegins fiasco; moreso than I did SoItbegins.
Since I am aimin' mah cadaver gun at you, I see no reason to actually Vote against you at this time.
(EDIT) You know what? Scratch that. I may have my death card out, but I've got a better hand in general than you think. mrxak.
Wow, you really don't want the innocents to win, do you. By telling everybody what your role is, you just ensured that the terrorists can knock off two people in one hit any time they want. And since I'm not a terrorist and you told everybody that you're pointing your ability at me, they will have no compunction about offing you tonight to get me as well. I have no compunction about killing you this round either. I'll still win if the innocents manage to kill the terrorists after I'm dead, and right now you are the single biggest threat to the innocents doing so. Every time you post you sabotage us. If I can help it, I will see that you are stopped before any more damage can be done. I would urge everybody who is planning on voting for me votes for Eugene Chin as well, you'll get me too, and you'll take out your biggest threat to the innocents too. I'm not afraid to die if it saves the game from Eugene Chin.
@eugene-chin, on Nov 10 2007, 03:50 AM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:
From the "You'd Think This Guy Would Know Better By Now" files:
(Some pieces removed, nothing inserted.)
No direct facts in This, now, only SoItBegins Word Of Honor.
It tries to explain all of those senseless Anti-Manta votes, but not why SoItBegins was so determined to do him in.
I Love how SoItBegins gets his chronology confused. He says he's aiming at Manta to Protect prophile, but it was all of the Anti-Manta votes that put prophile into danger in the first place.
All of you may now point fingers and laugh.
Now, from Game 10, I know what it's like working as a Dictator alongside mrxak. He'll come up with some crazy-off-his-ass plan, and beat you until you go along with it. I remember that he wanted us (The two Dictators of Game 10) at each other's throats from the very beginning, and understood "No" as much as a drunk in a singles bar would. I'm still incredulous and stunned that nfreader actually fell for it.
One possibility I'm entertaining has Dictator mrxak night-killing Dictator SoItBegins, Just to throw us into confusion.
He's crazy enough to do it, folks. He's crazy enough to do it.
And, SoItBegins part in all of this would be to redirect all attention in the wrong direction. Notice, please, how he goes out of his way to Exonerate mrxak of Any suspicions in his Final-Will-And-Testament.
Pass me the phone please, I need to call B.S.
(EDIT) Would anyone like to take bets as to how long it takes until mrxak tried to use this to defend himself?
Heh, way to censor the PM to make it say whatever you want. Real unbiased I'm sure. Personally I think you should not have posted it at all since SoItBegins is out of the game (thanks to you, once again), and thus anything he does or does not know should die with him.
Look, SoItBegins is a noob, and not a very bright one at that. You want to know why I believed him about prophile? Because I know two things. I know that there are 9 roles in the game including terrorists and innocents, so odds are pretty good that prophile could have told him he was a special role and meant it, and I know that people like SoItBegins aren't clever enough to lie (sorry buddy, not trying to insult you here, but you played terribly this round). Might prophile have told him a lie? Perhaps. But SoItBegins' message was legitimate, and I believe intended to try to help you and the others he contacted. He may have been a terrible player at this game, but at least his intentions were pure, yours only seem to be hurting the game.
I don't see how I could use SoItBegins' PM to you to defend myself. I never told SoItBegins anything about my role in the game so he knows nothing about me, other than the fact that I refused to fake a PM from... I don't even remember who, in order to "frame" you. You really did an awesome job hanging yourself already. First you gave the terrorists two targets on a silver platter, and then you told them they can kill two innocents in one shot. You're a menace. SoItBegins may have been a terrible player individually, but you're just counterproductive to the entire group. Again, I will gladly die if it rids the world of you too.
Apparently you have a grudge against me since the game we were terrorists together and you disliked my strategy. We still won, so get over it already. If you hate me, fine, but all you've done this game is hurt the innocents. I urge you to change your "takedown target" if that's really what it is, admit that you screwed up exposing SoItBegins and prophile, and perhaps then I will look to vote off another target. But as long as you continue down this insane path of revenge on me at the expense of every other innocent, I will be forced to try to take you out to end your damage to the innocents. Whether you are a terrorist or not does not matter, you're working in the terrorists' interests and that's just as bad.
@dark-jet, on Nov 10 2007, 03:53 AM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:
He screwed himself when he PMed people to begin with... PMing other players when your in your first game is not a good idea, It'll get you noticed which you really dont want as a first timer. Going against my own advice but, im siding with Eugene Chin on this one. Sorry mrxak , but after you answer his question of why you accepted at face value i'll think about dropping my vote.
When he PMed, me, I did not trust him, but I figured if he wanted to see me as an ally or whatever, then if he was really a terrorist I might survive long enough to figure out who else was a terrorist. When he started telling people about prophile, I assumed prophile was a special role. I know from Mackilroy that there are a lot more roles this time and a lot we haven't seen before. I'm still pretty sure SoItBegins was probably some sort of role.
So, why did I take it at face value? Because why shouldn't I? Had you come along and did something rather noobish, I would probably take it seriously as well. Or RJC, or Selax, or any other newbie. SoItBegins didn't just come out in public and say he had strong reasons to believe prophile was a special role, no, he tried to tell just those he thought he could trust. Seems like a reasonable if naive strategy to me. I can give somebody the benefit of the doubt and watch them carefully, I don't need to paste their messages in public to embarrass them and expose two of our special roles for the terrorists to pick off.
Is that a satisfactory answer? If it isn't, please consider voting Eugene Chin anyway, that way you'll kill me if you think I'm guilty and kill Eugene Chin who has proven himself to be dangerous to innocents in every round. Who will he screw over next round? I'd rather not find out.
@rjc-ultra, on Nov 10 2007, 04:34 AM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:
Allright, I'm a n00b, I don't need to admit it. 
I will vote for mrxak , because he was too eager in my opinion to save prophile and SoItBegins just because of an alliance, and it's unlikely he has a special role too(well, SoItBegins and prophile could have told him things), and I suspect him of lynching SoItBegins.
This game is totaly messed up.
Go and read back on some of the old games. I defend those I believe to be innocent. I'm not doing anything special here. Even when I am a terrorist, everything I say in the public game is in the interests of the innocents, so you should listen to me no matter what you think I am. As I said, there are a lot of special roles this game. Odds are pretty likely that I'm a special role, far more so than me being a terrorist. I won't confirm or deny that I am a special role, but regardless I will be an asset later because I am experienced and I know how most of the players think. If you really want me dead, take out Eugene Chin too since he's doing far more harm then good so far. Vote for him, we'll both die.
If you seriously think I had some sort of alliance, you are seriously mistaken. SoItBegins told me stuff, I kept it quiet and watched him carefully. I never received any PMs from prophile nor sent any. If somebody wants to send me information, I will take that into consideration and not jeopardize a potential source of information as Eugene Chin chose to do. If you want to claim that me, prophile, and SoItBegins had some sort of voting pact, that's pretty silly too. prophile voted for Manta first. I already suspected him (and I believe I was one of the few to provide any reason for my vote last round) and voted for him as well. SoItBegins voted for pretty much everybody, changed his mind so many times I stopped trying to keep track in my TextEdit file. I did not even hear anything about prophile's potential status as a special role until well after my vote was cast. Perhaps SoItBegins thought that he should PM those who voted the same way as him? He never received indication that I would support him in anything. I thought that I could use him, that is all. If we agreed on anything, it was by coincidence, and the only reason I defended him and prophile was because I thought that Eugene Chin's reveal of SoItBegin's PM was going to help the terrorists. If Eugene Chin really wanted the innocents to win this game, he would have kept it to himself and used SoItBegins while watching him carefully as I intended to do. Instead he was blinded by his wish to get revenge on me for game 10, and is taking the whole game down with him.
You know, Eugene Chin, I made you a terrorist last game to give you another chance at being evil and the opportunity to make your own strategy, since I felt like maybe I owed that to you. If you're still holding a grudge after that, maybe you should think about how this is Just A Game.