I only take a defensive stance because I am innocent. It is not my concern to hurt those who bandwagon against Prophile, because in my eyes he is acting like a terrorist who wants to take out an innocent in the first round to make his job later easier. I refuse to give into your pressure mrxak and I believe you may be a terrorist in addition to prophile. IF I manage to live for one more round I can assure you that I will keep a close eye on your behavior.
@mrxak, on Nov 8 2007, 04:22 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:
Alternative explanation, you staged the attack on your base, and then hoped to fly under the radar by not voting.
You should be condemning those that are now bandwagoning on prophile as a result of your own vote, but instead you take a purely defensive stance that makes it seem like you're just a victim.
wait was that directed at me or Manta?
Vote against Gutless is Retracted.
Good grief.
I don't know where to begin.
Not with prophile, though. mrxak jumped on Manta pretty quickly after prophile started that, though.
SoItBegins turned first on darth_vader, then on me, and now has jumped on the Manta Bandwagon when those didn't pan out.
I'm also still looking at GutlessWonder, though.
However, since I don't have anything concrete yet, and since I think Manta is getting bandwagoned by the forces of evil, I'll just stall for time right now. prophile. Retracted.
@manta, on Nov 9 2007, 12:34 AM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:
I only take a defensive stance because I am innocent. It is not my concern to hurt those who bandwagon against Prophile, because in my eyes he is acting like a terrorist who wants to take out an innocent in the first round to make his job later easier. I refuse to give into your pressure mrxak and I believe you may be a terrorist in addition to prophile. IF I manage to live for one more round I can assure you that I will keep a close eye on your behavior.
You can pay all the attention you want, it won't help you.
mrxak is always like that. Even when he's Innocent. Even when he's an Intelligence Agent.
This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 08 November 2007 - 10:24 PM
Just to let everyone know - though the round would normally be scheduled to end tomorrow at 5:00 Central Time, I'm extending it eight hours because I'll be at work before that time and will have no Internet access until I get home again. This will be the only time that will happen, though. All subsequent rounds will end around 1:00 AM CST, or 7:00 AM GMT.
1Eevee1 - prophile
Anon - nfreader
Dark Jet - prophile
darth_vader - gutlesswonder
Eugene Chin - prophile
GutlessWonder - manta
Manta - prophile
mrxak - manta
nfreader - prophile
prophile - manta
RJC Ultra -
Selax -
SoItBegins - mantaHmmm...I'm tempted to retract my vote on the grounds that, as I said before, I don't like jumping on random people. The reality of the situation is the first round is always random by its very nature. We'll see how it turns out in the end.
Since my tying vote against prophile is now superfluous, I will Retract my vote against prophile, and recast against someone I actually suspect.
@eugene-chin, on Nov 8 2007, 07:08 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:
Vote against Gutless is Retracted.
Good grief.
I don't know where to begin.
Not with prophile, though. mrxak jumped on Manta pretty quickly after prophile started that, though.
SoItBegins turned first on darth_vader, then on me, and now has jumped on the Manta Bandwagon when those didn't pan out.
I'm also still looking at GutlessWonder, though.
However, since I don't have anything concrete yet, and since I think Manta is getting bandwagoned by the forces of evil, I'll just stall for time right now. prophile.
You can pay all the attention you want, it won't help you.mrxak is always like that. Even when he's Innocent. Even when he's an Intelligence Agent.
Awww, Eugene Chin isn't evil this round. Man, I was getting used to going after you. Oh well. You are, as usual, spot on. SoItBegins and GW are exactly who I had pegged as dictators. Jumping around, bandwagoning, all that bad stuff. I don't see why you don't join me in trying to kill GW or SoItBegins this round.
@gutlesswonder, on Nov 8 2007, 08:18 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:
1Eevee1 - prophile
Anon - nfreader
Dark Jet - prophile
darth_vader - gutlesswonder
Eugene Chin - prophile
GutlessWonder - manta
Manta - prophile
mrxak - manta
nfreader - prophile
prophile - manta
RJC Ultra -
Selax -
SoItBegins - manta
Hmmm...I'm tempted to retract my vote on the grounds that, as I said before, I don't like jumping on random people. The reality of the situation is the first round is always random by its very nature. We'll see how it turns out in the end.@selax, on Nov 8 2007, 09:05 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:
mrxak: As I said earlier, I had a test this evening.
Hmm, I'm really not sure who to vote for yet...there doesn't seem to really be a lot of information.However, jumping on Manta randomly seems somewhat suspicious, so, pending more information, I must vote prophile.
How is jumping on prophile less suspicious than jumping on manta? Neither seems guilty, both are getting bandwagoned. All we've got on either of them is that they both voted for each other at the beginning of the round, and now it's turned into a contest to the death. Meanwhile, the two most suspicious characters only have 1 vote between them. I'd be willing to change to SIB or stay on GW if I could get together a large enough bloc to kill either one. My suspicions at the beginning of the past few rounds were nowhere near this strong, so I am eager to act on them. I also realize that all this may well get me killed tonight, so if that happens, I want to take at least one of them with me.
@dark-jet, on Nov 8 2007, 07:36 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:
wait was that directed at me or Manta?
@eugene-chin, on Nov 8 2007, 08:08 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:
mrxak is always like that. Even when he's Innocent. Even when he's an Intelligence Agent.
I'm quite certain that Manta's guilty though. The economic situation in Russia isn't so great. It's not a big stretch to think that a Russian would arrange to get some extra money in their pocket by helping terrorists steal some weapons. They might even do it for political reasons. Anybody else see The Peacemaker?
@dark-jet, on Nov 8 2007, 08:17 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:
abstain canceled..
Prophile , shots in the dark tend to be bad things...
It's not a shot in the dark, it makes sense. Mackilroy said this time that nationalities have no bearing, but he never said that his flavor text or the background of the story has no bearing. It just so happens that a few nuclear submarines just get handed to terrorists on a silver platter without serious military interference right in Manta's backyard? Last time Mackilroy hosted a game I picked out the two terrorists right from the start, because Mackilroy left open a door to his pick reasoning. I see no reason why this can't be the case again. The only real question is, who helped Manta pull it off?
@selax, on Nov 8 2007, 10:05 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:
mrxak: As I said earlier, I had a test this evening.
Hmm, I'm really not sure who to vote for yet...there doesn't seem to really be a lot of information.However, jumping on Manta randomly seems somewhat suspicious, so, pending more information, I must vote prophile.
No worries. Just making sure everybody knew that votes were missing.
@mackilroy, on Nov 8 2007, 10:36 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:
Selax, RJC Ultra, please vote. If they haven't by the time I'm finished watching watching this episode of Stargate SG-1, I'll send them both PMs.
Selax did vote. He voted for the wrong person, but he still voted.
I have retracted my vote again, pending further information.
Side note: If/when I host a round, I won't leave you any hints as to who it is...
@mrxak, on Nov 8 2007, 09:53 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:
It's not a shot in the dark, it makes sense. Mackilroy said this time that nationalities have no bearing, but he never said that his flavor text or the background of the story has no bearing. It just so happens that a few nuclear submarines just get handed to terrorists on a silver platter without serious military interference right in Manta's backyard? Last time Mackilroy hosted a game I picked out the two terrorists right from the start, because Mackilroy left open a door to his pick reasoning. I see no reason why this can't be the case again. The only real question is, who helped Manta pull it off?
Sorry, I didn't specify and I should have. The story is just that, story. I simply wanted a cool story, much like you were writing a funny story.
Don't forget, there weren't any Russian Army units in the area. If I had instead written that the subs were stolen from the USA, I would have said the exact same thing. Or if they were stolen from the Chinese or any other country with nuclear submarines.
@mrxak, on Nov 8 2007, 09:53 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:
Selax did vote. He voted for the wrong person, but he still voted.
Also, what's The Peacemaker about? I haven't seen it.
Uh Mack... his vote:
@selax, on Nov 8 2007, 07:05 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:
mrxak: As I said earlier, I had a test this evening.
Hmm, I'm really not sure who to vote for yet...there doesn't seem to really be a lot of information.However, jumping on Manta randomly seems somewhat suspicious, so, pending more information, I must vote prophile.
Its close to your Stargate comment...
This post has been edited by Dark Jet : 08 November 2007 - 11:44 PM
@mackilroy, on Nov 8 2007, 11:16 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:
Sorry, I didn't specify and I should have. The story is just that, story. I simply wanted a cool story, much like you were writing a funny story.
Don't forget, there weren't any Russian Army units in the area. If I had instead written that the subs were stolen from the USA, I would have said the exact same thing. Or if they were stolen from the Chinese or any other country with nuclear submarines.
Huh?Also, what's The Peacemaker about? I haven't seen it.
Russian general helps some... I think they were Serbs... steal some old nuclear warheads that are being shipped off to be dismantled, by making it look like an accident (blow one up, steal the rest). Then George Clooney and Nicole Kidman have to go around and find out what happened once they figure out it wasn't an accident, and track down the guy that stole them before he sells them or blows them up someplace. It's a pretty good movie.
Anyway, I really hope people don't kill prophile. Kill Manta instead, he's at a minimum trying hard to stay off the radar, and at worst he's complacent in an attack on his own nation. And where there's people hiding themselves, there's people hiding something more than just themselves. Look, people have justified their votes for Manta. What justification do the people voting for prophile have? Manta is doing it in self-defense, the rest of you... why?
@dark-jet, on Nov 8 2007, 10:38 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:
Its close to your Stargate comment...
mrxak already informed me, thanks.
mrxak: I see. Sounds interesting. I'll have to rent/buy it sometime.
While we're on the subject of movies with stolen nukes in them, you should rent Broken Arrow. It's pretty good.
This post has been edited by SoItBegins : 09 November 2007 - 12:52 AM
Hmm, I wouldn't be surprised if I change my vote tomorrow: I'm waiting until then (when I hope that I have more information and have had more time to think) to give my final decision. Things still appear somewhat cluttered at the moment (mostly because this is still the first round).
SoItBegins: If we're thinking of the same movie, I already have it
1Eevee1 - prophile
Anon - nfreader
Dark Jet - prophile
darth_vader - GutlessWonder
Eugene Chin - GutlessWonder
GutlessWonder - Manta
Manta - prophile
mrxak - Manta
nfreader - prophile
prophile - Manta
RJC Ultra - Manta
Selax - prophile
SoItBegins - No vote currentlySoItBegins: are you going to go with another vote, or are you abstaining this round?
So far, there's a tie between prophile and manta, with Gutless in second and nfreader in third for votes.