Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • 1v1 Tournament II

      1 8 4421

      Alright, I am going to try this again. As before, the format is 1v1, and soundtrack CDs are still available, if there are enough participants. The rules are basically the same as before. If you wish to sign up, PM me (here or on the IV boards), send me an email, or post in this topic. If you are an IV forumite, and don't want to sign up for an account here, you can also post in the topic on the IV forums. I really do want this to be as easy as possible for people. When you sign up, please tell me your forum name(s) (if you have any), your in game name, and what timezone you are in (GMT ąX). You will notice that the rules have been greatly simplified. This is largely due to the use of dedicated servers.

      As things happen in the tournament, I will post them here. All other comments should be restricted to this topic.



      The tournament will be open to all DEFCON players. This includes all IV and ASW forum members; Linux, Mac, and Windows users; demo and full-version players; and anyone else with a DEFCON client that wishes to play. Sign-ups will be open until Saturday, 25 August 2007 (about 2 weeks). Play will begin as early as the 25th.

      The tournament will be conducted as a single elimination table. The players will be ranked according to the date that they sign up, with the following caveats: (1) participants from the last tournament will be ranked based upon their outcome, ahead of all other players and (2) I reserve the right to structure brackets such that players in similar timezones will be in the same bracket. Once the players have been seeded, the top seed will play the bottom seed, the second seed will play the second to the bottom seed, and so on (see the illustration below). Players will play one game, with the winner advancing, and the loser being eliminated from the tournament. Play will progress until only one player is left.

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      At the beginning of each round, players will have one week to play their games. They must schedule their own games, but I must be made aware of the game times. Players who are having difficulty contacting their opponents, or who are having difficulty scheduling games must contact me as quickly as possible in order to arrange alternate plans.

      Game Setup
      All games shall be played using the Default rules, with one territory per team, and random territory assignment. Games must be played on dedicated servers where recordings are being made. I will be hosting two such servers, named "A Dedicated Game of Chess I / II." If you wish to use some other server, please make arrangements ahead of time, so that I can get the proper configuration files to the server host.

      In order to verify games, a recording must be available. Any games played on "A Dedicated Game of Chess" will have such recordings. I will verify the recordings, and post the results.

      I retain the right to add to these rules at any time in order to deal with problems as they arise. However, I intend to do as little of this as possible. The goal of the tournament is to have fun, so I will be as hands off as possible.



    • Just a reminder, the tournament will begin this weekend. Sign-ups are still open, and will remain so until the 25th of August. If you are interested in participating, please sign up soon. The current seeding is as follows:

      1	Hyperion
      2	rus|Mike
      3	Ace Rimmer
      4	zjoere
      5	shinygerbil
      6	diomedes
      7	Cappy
      8	Tripper
      9	Mike the Wookie
      10	Angel of Death
      11	M.I.R.V. Angel
      12	Ice Cream

      Hyperion, rus|Mike, and Ace Rimmer are seeded first based upon their outcomes in the last tournament. Everyone else is seeded in the order they signed up.


    • ROUND 1
      As several people have messaged me to tell me that they are going to be out of town for some portion of the first round, I am going to extend the play time to 2 weeks, rather than 1 week. You have until Saturday, 8 September 2007, 12:00 noon PDT (-7 GMT) to arrange and play your games. As always, if you have any concerns, please let me know as soon as possible, so that we can arrange an alternative. The final round 1 seeding is as follows:

      1	Hyperion
      2	rus|Mike
      3	Ace Rimmer
      4	shinygerbil
      5	diomedes
      6	Cappy
      7	Tripper
      8	Mike the Wookie
      9	Angel of Death
      10	M.I.R.V. Angel
      11	Ice Cream
      12	World idIoT
      13	Cooper42

      The tournament will be conducted as a single elimination, according to the following tree:

      Posted Image

      Please remember to play all tournament games on the dedicated servers called "A Dedicated Game of Chess I / II". The password for both servers is "asw". Also, before you play, please let me know when you are scheduled to play, so that I can get a recording. If you have any other questions, please let me know.


    • Due to scheduling conflicts, the table of 16 has been revised. The new table is posted below. Because of the change, I am going to leave the first round open until next Monday, the 10th of September. Please get your games played.

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      The following games need to be played:

      • Angel of Death vs. Mike the Wookie (Angel of Death has withdrawn)

      • Cooper42 vs. shinygerbil (Cooper42 was unable to play at the scheduled time, and is subject to disqualification)

      The following games have been played:

      Good luck!


    • Unless Angel of Death or Cooper42 object, round 1 is complete. The tree currently looks like this:

      Posted Image

      Round 2 officially starts tomorrow at noon, but, as it looks like Angel of Death and Cooper42 have dropped out, if y'all want to begin now, you may. Round 2 ends at noon PDT (7 PM GMT) Monday, 17 September 2007. The following games need to be played:

      • Hyperion vs Mike the Wookie

      • walrus47 vs shinygerbil

      • Ace Rimmer vs Ice Cream

      • Tripper vs rus|Mike

      Again, if Cooper42 or Angel of Death objects before noon tomorrow, things may change, but I don't think that is likely to happen, given the communications that I have had with them.

      Good luck to all of you.

      Congratulations to Hyperion. He beat Mike the Wookie 111 to 20. This is a game that you should all watch. Not only does Hyperion demonstrate how to beat Africa with Europe (a tough thing to do at all), but both players provide a great deal of commentary.

      Congratulations to Tripper, a.k.a. Gunboat Democrat. He won over rus|Mike 104 to 20. The recording is now online. As an aside, I have now seen two games in which players have asked to reroll if the territories are set up in a certain way. Please don't do this. It kind of defeats the purpose of random territories.


    • Alright, here's what has been going on for the last month:

      1. shinygerbil dropped out. Thus, walrus47 advanced to the round of 8. Because both he and Hyperion were ready to play, they played a game on the first of October. The recording is up, and free for all to download. walrus47 lost 84 to 55. Thus, in the final standings, walrus47 will be tied for 3rd place with the loser of the Ace vs Tripper game, and Hyperion will be playing in the final game.

      2. Ace was on vacation for a while, and Ice Cream was not responding to my queries (which is the largest reason for the delay in finishing the last round. Ace came back, and I gave Ice Cream a few days to get back to me. He didn't, so Ace advances to the round of 4 by default. That means that he and Tripper have a game to play. The sooner that happens, the happier I will be, but I am not going to put a limit on it. Good luck to both of them.

      3. Once Ace and Tripper have played, the winner will play Hyperion for the gold, and a pile of swag. However, please do not do so until I have a chance to change some server settings around -- I want to open things up for more specs. Thanks.

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    • Ace Rimmer and Tripper played their game yesterday, and the recording is now available. Ace and Hyperion are planning on playing their game today. Good luck to both players.


    • I am sorry for the delay in announcing the results. I have been lazy for the last week or two. I would like to congratulate Hyperion on his victory, and thank all of you who participated. Hyperion received his prize package in the mail, but I am going to let him tell you all about it. The recording of the final game is now up (finally). I am going to leave this topic unlocked and pinned for a week or so, then I will unpin it. Again, congratulations, and thank you to all of the participants.
