Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • 2004 Summer Season

      10 16 1741

      Hey, I can serve now! 😄
      Anyway, I was talking with someone and they said if I wanted to start a scheduled server, I should hold an Avara Tournament to kick it off. I don't know how many people would participate, but I thought it was a neat idea. If it were, by chance, to happen:

      How would it be organized?

      Who would pick the levels?

      Would the host have to play?

      What would the winner get for a prize?

      Would it get people playing again?

      Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
      By the way, I might design a few new levels just for it. I've got some cool ideas...

      Robert Marlin,
      like the big fish

      (This message has been edited by Robert Marlin (edited 05-15-2004).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Robert Marlin:
      **Who would pick the levels?

      You could use similar rules as the Avara Ladder games. And the same levels...


      What would the winner get for a prize?

      Honor and glory.



      Would it get people playing again?


    • I'll play.

      "If life gives you a lemon, wing it right back, and add some lemons of your own."
      -Bill Watterson
      (url="http://"")Enigma(/url) <-- The best online game ever.

    • I might play.

      How to use a tooth pick: Hold stick near center of its length. Moisten pointed end in mouth. Insert in tooth space, blunt end next to gum. Use gentle in-out motion.
      This message brought to you by the Campaign to Save the Humans. We bid you farewell

    • rebel, the level is Symbiosis by Tyrant. It's awesome.

      I'd join if I was unbanned. Otherwise I'm gonna have no idea where the tournament is. If you post IP and time, or IM me at TheEyebrow, I'll play.


    • WELLLLLLL I was trying to make a multiplayer version of Rescue which I'm not sure was such a good idea but I wanted to try it out anyway 'cause I thought i might be able to use it in the tourney along with Anak City just because they're cool levels and I was trying to get the level to work and it loaded just fine but when I tried to play it it said that there was no hector available which doesn't make any sense because I have six incarnators in the level gasp. So how can I post the file up here for all to see?

      AND about the tournney...

      I don't really know what the Avara Ladder was and the levels seem kind of, well, boring. Besides, I've already found some cool levels. So:

      How would it be organized?

      Would the host have to play? ('Cause I really stink.)

      Oh yeah... what are some good KOTH levels?

      Thanks for your time.

      Robert Marlin,
      like the big fish My friend Matt's web-design site.

    • Robert, if you want you can send me the level and I'll check it out for you. or send it on AIM to TheEyebrow.

      For the tourney, I'd just write down all interested persons, and create some sort of bracket system. Then let the two involved decide the best time to play so they can both make it. If they don't, just create a bye system. That should work. Just be in charge of finding out results and ****. Make sure both people say who won and such to get rid of fraud. Or you could be at the server at the time of the game. That's if you have enough time.

      You don't have to play but what's the fun in the game if you don't play? Andrew is still associated with the game and doesn't play and look at his smile-o-meter, it's registering a 0.1!

      Good KOTH levels: Arsenic, Internet Explorer, Phobos, and Neptune are all pretty good in my mind. You could also go through old levels and try to find some real obscure ones. I remember one based on Baghdad that was pretty fun, I thought it was in Grecian formula but apparently not. I can help you find more if you want.

      What are KOTH levels good for in a tournament though? Unless it's a team tournament (Which would be a cool idea in itself, although getting 4 people together at once when that's about the amount you get in a good week is a tall task) it wouldn't work. 1v1 KOTHs are boring in my mind. Maybe we just differ on that point.

      Anyways, if you need any help with the tourney, I'd be glad to chip in. I want to see Avara thrive.


    • Well, I guess my entire sever for the summer can be just for the tournament. Trying to organize a bunch of people with a bracket and get them to play enough games with only the levels on the list... ughhh. So i'm not really giong to have a tournament in the conventional sense; I'll just have the competition server up at the scheduled time and people can come in as they please. I'll keep track of how many kills (or points) each person gets and at the end of the season the person with the most kills (or points) overall gets the ultimate honor and glory. I've been getting a little better so I'll play if I host.

      But presently I'm having some trouble. I just got DSL and as I feared, people aren't coming to my server. I remember reading an old topic about the cause of this (something about firewalls) but I can't find it. Any help?

      Ed, I'll send you the Rescue pict when I get around to it, but I'd still like to be able to post it up here so anyone can look at it. How do you do that? I can't figure it out.

      I'll have a list of levels and sets valid for the competition soon. I have already picked some out, tell me which ones you people would like to see in there. And by the way, do you think I should tell the people at the boards about this? They're deader than a very dead thing that just died over there. Compared to us, anyway.

      Robert Marlin,
      like the big fish My friend Matt's web-design site.

    • WELL?!?!?

      Robert Marlin,
      like the big fish My friend Matt's web-design site.

    • Nah, the people read this board too, since we are such a small community.


    • Yea Robbie, your server doesn't work. It's firewalled man.


    • And, from the Avara FAQ:

      The question has arisen: How to play Avara from behind a firewall.
      Avara uses port 19567 for the net traffic. Just open that port and you should be set.

      Settings for IPNetRouter:
      Protocol: TCP & UDP
      Apparent Endpoint Address: leave as already filled in
      Port: 19567
      Actual Endpoint Address: IP of your mac.
      Port: 19567
      Static: checked

      Adjust setttings for your firewall program.

      "You're just about as useless as JPEGs to Helen Keller..."
      Weird Al's "It's All About The Pentiums"

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Taz!:
      **Adjust setttings for your firewall program.


      I haven't the foggiest how to. I don't have IPNetRouter, the only thing I have to control my firewalls is the file sharing preferences, and I don't know what to turn on or off.

      I'm allergic to anime. My friend Matt's web-design site.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Robert Marlin:
      **I haven't the foggiest how to. I don't have IPNetRouter, the only thing I have to control my firewalls is the file sharing preferences, and I don't know what to turn on or off.


      If it's a case like mine, the router is the source of the problem. Generally the address (url="http://"") will access your router, and then you can change the portforewarding from there. Then foreward port 19567 to the computers IP (or, if asks for port#~port#, just make sure to get, say, 19560~19570 or something). Hope you can figure it out Rob.

      -Kyle "Vader" Blessing
      -(url="http://"")Homestar Runner(/url)
      -Don't love, or hate... Just join the (Players Club)

    • I already made a net version of Anak City. 🙂

    • Whoa! Plastic Chicken has returned from the bowels of obscurity to produce another level!

      The box said Windows 95 or why doesn't it work on a Mac?
      Member of WORRPBOITAMPSH, whatever that is