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    • Making Worlds

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      I'm trying to make a level in ClarisWorks(v5.0), but I can't get it into a pict format to play- or whatever. What am I doing wrong?


      This post has been edited by §carlet §wordfish : 23 November 2007 - 08:33 PM

    • You need to be a bit more explicit with your problem.

      Does the pict load as a level?
      Did you create start spots?
      Did you even review the how to create levels documentation?
      Have you tried the sample levels and gotten them to load?

      "You're just about as useless as JPEGs to Helen Keller..."
      Weird Al's "It's All About The Pentiums"

    • I have read the ENTIRE level design manual. I in fact have six start spots in my level. I can play the sample levels, but I can't open them in ClarisWorks (they don't show up in the Open box). My problem is that the drawing I made doesn't have a .pict or anything beside it, just a (DR). I hardly ever use drawing programs, and I probably sound like a complete idiot talking about this, But nothing I've tried has worked. Please help me!


      This post has been edited by §carlet §wordfish : 23 November 2007 - 08:33 PM

    • I think you need to select all in your drawing and then copy it into the pict resource in Resedit. The Clarisworks file itself does not need to be in pict format, I think. This may be wrong since I am a little unsure about what your exact problem is.

      Another thing you can do if you're having trouble is to open up a level file, say AA Normal, or whatever you have lying around, and copy one of the pict files from an existing level into Clarisworks, and then make changes to it and copy it back into Resedit.

      The way I learned to make levels was just copying in walls, ramps, etc. from Bwadi and then editing them. Sometimes this is a lot easier than just doing everything from scratch, because there are less places where you can go wrong.

      i'm not a soccer star yet but i'll beat yew in avara
      (url="http://"")the hideout(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Robert Marlin:
      **. My problem is that the drawing I made doesn't have a .pict or anything beside it, just a (DR).

      I can't help you make a level set (ie copy the pict file into the level file) because I could never figure out how to do this... however, you can save your level as a .pict file (file --> save as --> select "PICT".. or something like that... it's been awhile.) and then load it as an external file. (You have to change the way some of the resources are called in the level file itself, but it's not too difficult.) The problem with this is that it's very impractical for distributing level files... which is why I never distributed mine... if someone wants to address the problem, I'd be very grateful. (I'm I missing something? Like I said, it's been a while, but I seem to remember trying to copy-paste into the resedit file, but I couldn't get it to work...)

      _dies irae

      Pinky, Are you pondering what I am pondering?
      I think so, Brain, but if they called them sad meals, kids wouldn't buy them.

    • I was --->this close<--- to getting my level to work.

      I was goofin' around and unsuccessfully trying your suggestions, and then I got this brilliant idea, "Hey, forget the level set files. I'll just copy the level into the GAME'S pict file!" And it worked... to a point. I loaded the level in the game and started it and it said there was no HECTOR available. And I know that's bullcrap because I put SIX incarnators in there. I might have messed up on the coding or something, but I'm not sure.

      Any help here would be hot.


      This post has been edited by §carlet §wordfish : 23 November 2007 - 08:34 PM

    • copy an incarnator in from an existing level! then you know the coding is correct!


      Originally posted by Robert Marlin:
      **I was --- >this close<--- to getting my level to work.

      I was goofin' around and unsuccessfully trying your suggestions, and then I got this brilliant idea, "Hey, forget the level set files. I'll just copy the level into the GAME'S pict file!" And it worked... to a point. I loaded the level in the game and started it and it said there was no HECTOR available. And I know that's bullcrap because I put SIX incarnators in there. I might have messed up on the coding or something, but I'm not sure.

      Any help here would be hot.


      i'm not a soccer star yet but i'll beat yew in avara
      (url="http://"")the hideout(/url)

    • The problem isn't with's with Appleworks.

      When you say:
      object Incarnator

      Appleworks really makes it:
      object Incarnatorend

      Avara can't understand that. You should use a different drawing (not painting) program...ShareDraw is a good one for OS 9...but I don't know if there are any shareware ones for OS X.

      The box said Windows 95 or why doesn't it work on a Mac?

    • i use sharedraw with os x . it just boots nine up and then loads sharedraw but works fine.

      i'm not a soccer star yet but i'll beat yew in avara
      (url="http://"")the hideout(/url)

    • OK, been a while since I've checked the boards (been involved with school) but, here goes. I agree that it is appleworks that is messing you up. The best application to use is the one Avara level designing was designed for: Claris Works 4.0. I have a stuffed copy on my other computer, and I will try to get it posted up somewhere in about a week (my other computer is in the mail right now... so, when I get it, I can post it). Hopefully, if you havn't gotton anything else, this will help you.

      -Kyle "Vader" Blessing
      -(url="http://"")Homestar Runner(/url)
      -Don't love, or hate... Just join the (Players Club)

    • (deleted)

      (This message has been edited by Kidglove II (edited 10-14-2003).)

    • (even more off topic) code, dont have any e-mail addys on this computer, mail me at: (/off topic)

      On a side note, I'm working on getting some webspace, so I will post it soon (might have another copy of CW 4.0 on one of my other computers).

      -Kyle "Vader" Blessing
      -(url="http://"")Homestar Runner(/url)
      -Don't love, or hate... Just join the (Players Club)

    • I'm not using AppleWorks, I'm using ClarisWorks 5. I don't even know if my computer can run AppleWorks, it's a 100 MHz PowerBook with OS 8! I tried using an old copy of ShareDraw I found on a CD, but the file it made had NO RESOURCES. Why is that?

      I also tried copying the coding out of other levels, but that didn't work, either. Hmmm...

      If I could figure out some way, ANY WAY to get my levels to work, then I could continue with my big important plans. All attempts insofar have been for naught, but I will not give up hope, and I am gracious for all the help you have given me. I know I sound like I'm making this a bigger deal than it is, but if I get past this brick wall, I promise we'll all be rewarded (relatively) soon. Any more help would be greatly appreciated.


      This post has been edited by §carlet §wordfish : 23 November 2007 - 08:35 PM

    • well, if you are copying from clarisworks, then pasting inside of ResEdit, then I would assume it's NOT a pict file problem, but rather something inside the LEDI. Again, without my other computer, I can't remember all the nessecary steps, but once it's back, I can give you a step by step instruction. Or, not sure if it's on the Avara website anymore, you could get Avara Level Manager (ALM for short) and it takes place of the ResEdit process. I'll be able to help you later.

      EDIT(url="http://";=guides&display;=date&file;=alm-1.0.0-install.img.sit.bin")Found ALM, I would suggest try sing it instead just once(/url)

      -Kyle "Vader" Blessing
      -(url="http://"")Homestar Runner(/url)
      -Don't love, or hate... Just join the (Players Club)

      (This message has been edited by Vader (edited 10-15-2003).)

    • i have a copy of clarisworks 4 (sadly, it's the best version i have), and I might be able to post it if I find the time.

      ĄY el diablo dijo que "Deje allí sea Windows"!
      Ąel mario es un comunista! Ąsepare la palabra!

    • I haven't gotten around to downloading the ALM yet, for a few reasons:

      1. I'm making my posts on a Windoze computer, the only one in my house with broadband.
      2. My PowerBook has an ancient modem with an ancient copy of AOL with ancient access numbers.
      3. My mom won't let me use her iBook, which has a floppy drive that I could copy to my computer with.
      4. We're affecting repairs to our iMac, so I can't use that.
      5. I'm a procrastinator.

      Once I get around to downloading it, that will bring me to another problem: how do you make files invisible? That may seem totally unrelated to this, but it's important for what I'm doing. It'll be cool!


      This post has been edited by §carlet §wordfish : 23 November 2007 - 08:35 PM

    • My solution to this problem was always to just follow a tutorial exactly so that the only possible problem was in my scripting. I believe I paid for Avara, but I never did figure out what was up with the LEDI. Though come to think of it, I was working on a level pack at one time, so I might have solved it. It would be interesting to see if I still have that...

      (url="http://"")Tritanium Enterprises(/url) - Providing quality digital trinkets since a few months ago.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Robert Marlin:
      **but the file it made had NO RESOURCES. Why is that?


      Don't look for the resources...just copy it from within the program and paste it into the level.

      The box said Windows 95 or why doesn't it work on a Mac?

    • I do have to admit, I have been having trouble too.

      Maniak hacks like

    • Quote

      Originally posted by project x:
      **i have a copy of clarisworks 4 (sadly, it's the best version i have), and I might be able to post it if I find the time.


      The posting of any - including older versions - of commercial software for downloading (stealing) is a violation of these forum guidelines, and will result in immediate banning from the boards.

      If you feel you need CW4, check ebay, or any other legitimate resources where they sell older software.

      "You're just about as useless as JPEGs to Helen Keller..."
      Weird Al's "It's All About The Pentiums"