Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • new level set... coming soon

      3 8 1387

      well, i decided to buckle down and make an effort to finally finish my level set "champs club," that i've been making on and off for quite a while now, so i'm proud to announce that it shall be released in less than a week... i still have to make a few more levels...

      also, starting next weekend i will be home for a while so i'll be hosting some servers so look out for those... cuz i know u been wantin to play some AVARA!!

      i'm not a soccer star yet but i'll beat yew in avara
      (url="http://"")the hideout(/url)

    • man we had some games but i never did finish that lvl set andim leavin for colelge tomorrow... crap,.. sory

      i'm not a soccer star yet but i'll beat yew in avara
      (url="http://"")the hideout(/url)

    • Is that moron dan still playing, or has he left/become civil?

      "Programming is an art form that fights back."
      - Unknown

      "I do not fear your Powerful Racoon, for I have a Short Poker of Shooting!" - Random Story Creator IV

    • yep he still plays. i think i will try to set up a champs club website where we can post some game times and i will also post my lvl set updates..

      i'm not a soccer star yet but i'll beat yew in avara
      (url="http://"")the hideout(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by kĄllme:
      **yep he still plays.

      Rats. I'm tired of dealing with him, (and being 'insulted' by him, although he's so uncreative that it is easier to be bored than offended by his childish rantings) so I'd rather not play at the present time.

      "Programming is an art form that fights back."
      - Unknown

      "I do not fear your Powerful Racoon, for I have a Short Poker of Shooting!" - Random Story Creator IV

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Bryce:
      **Rats. I'm tired of dealing with him, (and being 'insulted' by him, although he's so uncreative that it is easier to be bored than offended by his childish rantings) so I'd rather not play at the present time.


      Dan seems to have gotten abit nicer recently, I actually had a few good games with him not too long ago.

      How to use a tooth pick: Hold stick near center of its length. Moisten pointed end in mouth. Insert in tooth space, blunt end next to gum. Use gentle in-out motion.
      This message brought to you by the Campaign to Save the Humans. We bid you farewell

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Tycho Maudd:
      **Dan seems to have gotten abit nicer recently, I actually had a few good games with him not too long ago.


      That's nice to hear, but I fear that as one of his most-hated players, he might still have some malace towards me. I'd be happy to give him a second chance, though. (Although not right now, I'm in Linux)

      "Programming is an art form that fights back."
      - Unknown

      "I do not fear your Powerful Racoon, for I have a Short Poker of Shooting!" - Random Story Creator IV

    • being a dick is part of dan's nature. he probably doesnt have anything against you in particular.

      (This message has been edited by kĄllme (edited 09-26-2003).)