Another Lamkin level preview...
Mentioned in another post, this level has you inside the human body trying to fight off an infection that currently has the individual's temperature at 110 degrees. Your mission is to destroy all the nasty germs and reduce the fever to 98.6 degrees. So for every "flu germ" (blob) you destroy, the thermometer will be reduced by approximately .5 degrees. The level is nowhere near complete, but any comments would be greatly appreciated...
I'm still having some issues with the layering in this one, as some of the sprites are overlapping and occupy the same layer, which causes SketchFighter to draw them only some of the time. (My fault...I'll fix it eventually.)
Attached File(s) (24.18K)
Number of downloads: 8
This post has been edited by Lamkin : 20 July 2008 - 04:04 AM