Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • just rambling

      2 2 762

      It really is too bad that Avara isn't available to our PC brethren. I have a number of friends who are unfortunately caught up in the Quake 3/Unreal Tournament craze, and while these games do have their merits where killfests, graphics and just "fragging" are concerned, they don't really compare to a game like Avara. It was a big deal when EV came to the Windows platform, there was a big to-do; but, in my opinion at least, as a game concept Avara is a very much cooler game. (all due respect to the Honorable, Inimitable, and ever cryptic Matt Burch.) I'd like to think that were the masses exposed to a cleaned up version of Avara, they would take to it quite rapidly, after being subjected to years of rather straightforward FPS games like Unreal. With all of the publicity that Ambrosia has garnered for recent games like EVN, one might think that Avara would have a chance of redeeming its faded image. Anyhow, that's just my opinion...
      (I realize that none of this is likely to happen soon/ever, but I feel like getting lost in my fantasy world for a moment. Besides, this webboard is so drab...)
      (also, before you get started: no, I'm not suggesting that I write the game, nor am I suggesting that anyone else write it. I've been around quite long enough to know all of your responses... I'm just contemplating "what if".)

      _Dies Irae

      Pinky, Are you pondering what I am pondering?
      I think so, Brain, but if they called them sad meals, kids wouldn't buy them.

    • I think I agree - if Avara was available for the PC, there would be a lot more people interested in it and playing it.

      (Apologies to Vader for showing his models without asking first, but I don't have any others, and if he really doesn't want me to, he is a mod now, so he can delete these lines if he wishes.)
      (url="http://"")A cleaned up version of avara(/url) (graphics by Vader) would be nice, but there are a lot of (url="http://"")little things(/url) (please don't gravedig) to solve.


      Compilers - the ultimate god games.
      (edit) I wish there was a preview feature on this board. (/edit)
      I take no responsibility of any kind for any damage, hurt feelings or other negative things caused, directly, indirectly or otherwise, by the information, opinions or lack of either in this post, or any other post.

      (This message has been edited by Kidglove II (edited 09-06-2003).)